API for the Bazaar Realm Skyrim mod
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2020-10-11 03:03:09 -04:00
src Add merchandise_lists endpoint 2020-10-11 01:20:55 -04:00
test_data Update README with Windows setup and db seeding 2020-10-11 03:03:09 -04:00
.gitignore Update setup instructions 2020-07-23 00:12:56 -04:00
Cargo.lock Remove bytes dependency 2020-08-01 02:24:39 -04:00
Cargo.toml Remove bytes dependency 2020-08-01 02:24:39 -04:00
devserver.bat Update README with Windows setup and db seeding 2020-10-11 03:03:09 -04:00
devserver.sh Update setup instructions 2020-07-23 00:12:56 -04:00
README.md Update README with Windows setup and db seeding 2020-10-11 03:03:09 -04:00

Development Setup

  1. Install and run postgres.
  2. Create postgres user and database (and add uuid extension while you're there ):
createuser shopkeeper
createdb shopkeeper
sudo -u postgres -i psql
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE shopkeeper OWNER TO shopkeeper;
\password shopkeeper
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";

# Or, on Windows in PowerShell:

& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\createuser.exe' -U postgres shopkeeper
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\createdb.exe' -U postgres shopkeeper
& 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\psql.exe' -U postgres
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE shopkeeper OWNER TO shopkeeper;
\password shopkeeper
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
  1. Save password somewhere safe and then and add a .env file to the project directory with the contents:
  1. Create a new file at src/db/refinery.toml with the contents:
db_type = "Postgres"
db_host = "localhost"
db_port = "5432"
db_user = "shopkeeper"
db_pass = "<database-password-here>"
db_name = "shopkeeper"
  1. Run cargo run -- -m which will compile the app in debug mode and run the database migrations.
  2. Run ./devserver.sh to run the dev server (by default it listens at

Testing Data

Using httpie you can use the json files in test_data/ to seed the database with data.

The POST endpoints require an API key. You can just generate a random uuidv4, just make sure to use the same one in all future requests.

http POST "http://localhost:3030/v1/owners" @test_data\owner.json api-key:"13e2f39c-033f-442f-b42a-7ad640d2e439"
http POST "http://localhost:3030/v1/shops" @test_data\shop.json api-key:"13e2f39c-033f-442f-b42a-7ad640d2e439"
http POST "http://localhost:3030/v1/interior_ref_lists" @test_data\interior_ref_list.json api-key:"13e2f39c-033f-442f-b42a-7ad640d2e439"
http POST "http://localhost:3030/v1/merchandise_lists" @test_data\merchandise_list.json api-key:"13e2f39c-033f-442f-b42a-7ad640d2e439"
# Then, you can test the GET endpoints
http GET "http://localhost:3030/v1/owners"
http GET "http://localhost:3030/v1/shops"
http GET "http://localhost:3030/v1/interior_ref_lists"
http GET "http://localhost:3030/v1/merchandise_lists"


  • Add update endpoints.
  • Add endpoints for the other models.
  • Make self-contained docker container that can run the app without any setup.
  • Add rate-limiting per IP address. The tower crate has a service that might be useful for this.