Load and update shop keywords, update shop gold
This commit is contained in:
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ state SHOP_NAME
event OnInputAcceptST(string textInput)
Debug.Trace("BRMCMConfigMenu BRQuest properties: ShopId: " + BR.ShopId + " ShopName: " + BR.ShopName + " ShopDescription: " + BR.ShopDescription)
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, textInput, BR.ShopDescription)
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, textInput, BR.ShopDescription, BR.ShopGold, BR.ShopType, BR.ShopKeywords, BR.ShopKeywordsExclude)
int attempts = 0
while !BR.UpdateShopComplete && attempts < 100
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ state SHOP_NAME
event OnDefaultST()
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject().GetName() + "'s Shop", BR.ShopDescription)
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject().GetName() + "'s Shop", BR.ShopDescription, BR.ShopGold, BR.ShopType, BR.ShopKeywords, BR.ShopKeywordsExclude)
int attempts = 0
while !BR.UpdateShopComplete && attempts < 100
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ state SHOP_DESC
event OnInputAcceptST(string textInput)
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, BR.ShopName, textInput)
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, BR.ShopName, textInput, BR.ShopGold, BR.ShopType, BR.ShopKeywords, BR.ShopKeywordsExclude)
int attempts = 0
while !BR.UpdateShopComplete && attempts < 100
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ state SHOP_DESC
event OnDefaultST()
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, BR.ShopName, "")
BR.UpdateShop(BR.ShopId, BR.ShopName, "", BR.ShopGold, BR.ShopType, BR.ShopKeywords, BR.ShopKeywordsExclude)
int attempts = 0
while !BR.UpdateShopComplete && attempts < 100
@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ event OnMenuClose(string menuName)
debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript container menu closed")
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
if BRScript.ActiveShopId == BRScript.ShopId
int gold = self.GetItemCount(Gold001)
if gold != BRScript.ShopGold
BRScript.UpdateShop(BRScript.ShopId, BRScript.ShopName, BRScript.ShopDescription, gold, BRScript.ShopType, BRScript.ShopKeywords, BRScript.ShopKeywordsExclude)
; TODO: the assumption that player is in shop cell may be incorrect
Cell shopCell = PlayerRef.GetParentCell()
@ -118,6 +122,22 @@ function RefreshMerchandise()
event OnCreateMerchandiseSuccess(bool created)
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnCreateMerchandiseSuccess created: " + created)
if created
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.Notification("Saved merchandise successfully")
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript no container changes to save to the server")
event OnCreateMerchandiseFail(string error)
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnCreateMerchandiseFail error: " + error)
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to save shop merchandise.\n\n" + error + "\n\n" + BRScript.BugReportCopy)
event OnCreateTransactionSuccess(int id, int quantity, int amount)
debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnCreateTransactionSuccess id: " + id + " quantity: " + quantity + " amount: " + amount)
ObjectReference merchRef = self.GetLinkedRef(BRLinkItemRef)
@ -135,6 +155,10 @@ endEvent
event OnLoadMerchandiseSuccess(bool result)
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnLoadMerchandiseSuccess result: " + result)
debug.MessageBox("Successfully loaded shop merchandise")
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
if !BRShop.RefreshGold(BRScript.ApiUrl, BRScript.ApiKey, BRScript.ActiveShopId, self)
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to refresh shop gold.\n\n" + BRScript.BugReportCopy)
; TODO: the assumption that player is in shop cell may be incorrect
Cell shopCell = PlayerRef.GetParentCell()
@ -166,3 +190,18 @@ event OnLoadShelfPageFail(string error)
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to load or clear page of shelf merchandise.\n\n" + error + "\n\n" + BRScript.BugReportCopy)
event OnRefreshShopGoldSuccess(int gold)
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnRefreshShopGoldSuccess gold: " + gold)
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
BRScript.ActiveShopGold = gold
if BRScript.ActiveShopId == BRScript.ShopId
BRScript.ShopGold = gold
event OnRefreshShopGoldFail(string error)
Debug.Trace("BRMerchChestScript OnRefreshShopGoldFail error: " + error)
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to refresh shop gold.\n\n" + error + "\n\n" + BRScript.BugReportCopy)
@ -61,20 +61,3 @@ Event OnItemAdded(Form baseItem, int itemCount, ObjectReference itemRef, ObjectR
; TODO: trade rejection
event OnCreateMerchandiseSuccess(bool created)
Debug.Trace("BRPublicMerchChestScript OnCreateMerchandiseSuccess created: " + created)
if created
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.Notification("Saved merchandise successfully")
Debug.Trace("BRPublicMerchChestScript no container changes to save to the server")
event OnCreateMerchandiseFail(string error)
Debug.Trace("BRPublicMerchChestScript OnCreateMerchandiseFail error: " + error)
BRQuestScript BRScript = BRQuest as BRQuestScript
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to save shop merchandise.\n\n" + error + "\n\n" + BRScript.BugReportCopy)
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ int property OwnerId auto
int property ShopId auto
string property ShopName auto
string property ShopDescription auto
int property ShopGold auto
string property ShopType auto
Keyword[] property ShopKeywords auto
bool property ShopKeywordsExclude auto
; TODO: look up interior refs and merch by shop id instead of saving this?
int property InteriorRefListId auto
; Active shop data (for the currently loaded shop)
@ -18,6 +22,10 @@ int property ActiveOwnerId auto
int property ActiveShopId auto
string property ActiveShopName auto
string property ActiveShopDescription auto
int property ActiveShopGold auto
string property ActiveShopType auto
Keyword[] property ActiveShopKeywords auto
bool property ActiveShopKeywordsExclude auto
ObjectReference[] property ActiveShopShelves auto
; references
Actor property PlayerRef auto
@ -109,11 +117,15 @@ event OnCreateOwnerFail(string error)
StartModFailed = true
event OnCreateShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnCreateShopSucess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description)
event OnCreateShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description, int gold, string shop_type, Keyword[] keywords, bool keywords_exclude)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnCreateShopSucess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description + " gold: " + gold + " shop_type: " + shop_type + " keywords: " + keywords + " keywords_exclude: " + keywords_exclude)
ShopId = id
ShopName = name
ShopDescription = description
ShopGold = gold
ShopType = shop_type
ShopKeywords = keywords
ShopKeywordsExclude = keywords_exclude
Debug.Notification("Initialized Bazaar Realm client")
@ -157,6 +169,14 @@ bool function LoadInteriorRefs()
ActiveShopId = ShopId
ActiveShopName = ShopName
ActiveShopDescription = ShopDescription
ActiveShopGold = ShopGold
ActiveShopType = ShopType
ActiveShopKeywords = ShopKeywords
ActiveShopKeywordsExclude = ShopKeywordsExclude
result = BRShop.SetVendorKeywords(ActiveShopKeywords, ActiveShopKeywordsExclude)
if !result
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to set shop vendor keywords\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
return true
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to load shop.\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
@ -171,6 +191,7 @@ event OnLoadInteriorRefListSuccess(bool result, ObjectReference[] shelves)
Debug.MessageBox("Successfully loaded shop")
; TODO: the assumption that player is in shop cell may be incorrect
Cell shopCell = PlayerRef.GetParentCell()
; TODO: load vendors from API response here
if !BRMerchandiseList.Load(ApiUrl, ApiKey, ActiveShopId, shopCell, ActiveShopShelves, PrivateChest)
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to load shop merchandise.\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
@ -195,21 +216,33 @@ int function ListMerchandise()
UILib.ShowNotification("Chose " + options[selectedIndex], "#74C56D")
function UpdateShop(int id, string name, string description)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript UpdateShop id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description)
function UpdateShop(int id, string name, string description, int gold, string shopType, Keyword[] keywords, bool keywordsExclude)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript UpdateShop id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description + " gold: " + gold + " shopType: " + shopType + " keywords: " + keywords + " keywordsExclude: " + keywordsExclude)
UpdateShopComplete = false
bool result = BRShop.Update(ApiUrl, ApiKey, id, name, description, self)
bool result = BRShop.Update(ApiUrl, ApiKey, id, name, description, gold, shopType, keywords, keywordsExclude, self)
if !result
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to update shop.\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
UpdateShopComplete = true
event OnUpdateShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnUpdateShopSucess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description)
event OnUpdateShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description, int gold, string shopType, Keyword[] keywords, bool keywordsExclude)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnUpdateShopSuccess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description + " gold: " + gold + " shopType: " + shopType + " keywords: " + keywords + " keywordsExclude: " + keywordsExclude)
ShopId = id
ShopName = name
ShopDescription = description
ShopGold = gold
ShopType = shopType
ShopKeywords = keywords
ShopKeywordsExclude = keywordsExclude
if ActiveShopId == ShopId
ActiveShopName = name
ActiveShopDescription = description
ActiveShopGold = gold
ActiveShopType = shopType
ActiveShopKeywords = keywords
ActiveShopKeywordsExclude = keywordsExclude
UpdateShopComplete = true
@ -229,11 +262,25 @@ function GetShop(int id)
event OnGetShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnGetShopSucess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description)
ShopId = id
event OnGetShopSuccess(int id, string name, string description, int gold, string shop_type, Keyword[] keywords, bool keywords_exclude)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnGetShopSucess id: " + id + " name: " + name + " description: " + description + " gold: " + gold + " shop_type: " + shop_type + " keywords: " + keywords + " keywords_exclude: " + keywords_exclude)
; TODO: is this logic right?
if ShopId == id
ShopName = name
ShopDescription = description
ShopGold = gold
ShopType = shop_type
ShopKeywords = keywords
ShopKeywordsExclude = keywords_exclude
ActiveShopId = id
ActiveShopName = name
ActiveShopDescription = description
ActiveShopGold = gold
ActiveShopType = shop_type
ActiveShopKeywords = keywords
ActiveShopKeywordsExclude = keywords_exclude
GetShopComplete = true
@ -253,8 +300,9 @@ function ListShops()
event OnListShopsSuccess(int[] ids, string[] names, string[] descriptions)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnListShopsSuccess ids.length: " + ids.Length + " names.length: " + names.Length + " descriptions.length: " + descriptions.Length)
event OnListShopsSuccess(int[] ids, string[] names, string[] descriptions, int[] golds, string[] shop_types, Keyword[] keywords, bool[] keywords_excludes)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnListShopsSuccess ids.length: " + ids.Length + " names.length: " + names.Length + " descriptions.length: " + descriptions.Length + " golds.length: " + golds.length + \
" shop_types.length: " + shop_types.length + " keywords.length: " + keywords.length + " keywords_excludes: " + keywords_excludes.length)
int index = 0
int selectedIndex = UILib.ShowList("Shop Merchandise", names, 0, 0)
ListShopsComplete = true
@ -263,8 +311,17 @@ event OnListShopsSuccess(int[] ids, string[] names, string[] descriptions)
ActiveShopId = ids[selectedIndex]
ActiveShopName = names[selectedIndex]
ActiveShopDescription = descriptions[selectedIndex]
ActiveShopGold = golds[selectedIndex]
ActiveShopType = shop_types[selectedIndex]
ActiveShopKeywords = BRShop.GetKeywordsSubArray(keywords, selectedIndex)
Debug.Trace("BRQuestScript OnListShopsSuccess ActiveShopKeywords: " + ActiveShopKeywords)
ActiveShopKeywordsExclude = keywords_excludes[selectedIndex]
bool result = BRShop.SetVendorKeywords(ActiveShopKeywords, ActiveShopKeywordsExclude)
if !result
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to set shop vendor keywords\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
bool result = BRInteriorRefList.ClearCell()
result = BRInteriorRefList.ClearCell()
if !result
Debug.MessageBox("Failed to clear existing shop before loading in new shop.\n\n" + BugReportCopy)
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
scriptname BRShop
bool function Create(string apiUrl, string apiKey, string name, string description = "", quest quest) global native
bool function Update(string apiUrl, string apiKey, int id, string name, string description = "", quest quest) global native
bool function Update(string apiUrl, string apiKey, int id, string name, string description = "", int gold = 0, string shop_type = "general_store", Keyword[] keywords, bool keywords_excludes = true, quest quest) global native
bool function Get(string apiUrl, string apiKey, int id, quest quest) global native
bool function List(string apiUrl, string apiKey, quest quest) global native
Keyword[] function GetKeywordsSubArray(Keyword[] flatKeywordsArray, int subArrayIndex) global native
bool function SetVendorKeywords(Keyword[] keywords, bool keywordsExclude) global native
bool function RefreshGold(string apiUrl, string apiKey, int id, ObjectReference privateMerchantChest) global native
Reference in New Issue
Block a user