Make LoadInteriorRefList async without crash using SKSE Task interface

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Hallada 2020-10-16 17:43:02 -04:00
parent 5afc919f03
commit b3dd9e240d

View File

@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ int CreateInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_k
const RE::TESBoundObject * base = ref->GetBaseObject();
if (base) {
RE::FormID base_form_id = base->GetFormID();
if (base_form_id == 7) {
// skip saving player ref
const RE::FormType form_type = base->GetFormType();
if (base_form_id == 0x7 || form_type == RE::FormType::ActorCharacter) {
// skip saving player ref or other companions
const char * form_name = base->GetName();
const RE::FormType form_type = base->GetFormType();
logger::info(FMT_STRING("CreateInteriorRefList form: {} ({:x})"), form_name, (uint32_t)form_type);
float position_x = ref->GetPositionX();
float position_y = ref->GetPositionY();
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ bool ClearCell(RE::StaticFunctionTag*)
// Destroy existing references
for (auto entry = cell->references.begin(); entry != cell->references.end(); ++entry)
for (auto entry = cell->references.begin(); entry != cell->references.end();)
RE::TESObjectREFR * ref = (*entry).get();
RE::FormID form_id = ref->GetFormID();
@ -152,11 +152,13 @@ bool ClearCell(RE::StaticFunctionTag*)
} else {
logger::info(FMT_STRING("ClearCell ref not in ANY file! {:x} {}"), (uint32_t)form_id, ref->GetName());
else {
logger::info(FMT_STRING("ClearCell ref is a temp ref, deleting {:x} {}"), (uint32_t)form_id, ref->GetName());
ref->Disable(); // disabling first is required to prevent CTD on unloading cell
cell->references.erase(*entry++); // prevents slowdowns after many runs of ClearCell
@ -210,9 +212,6 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
return false;
SKSE::RegistrationMap<bool> regMap = SKSE::RegistrationMap<bool>();
regMap.Register(quest, RE::BSFixedString("OnLoadInteriorRefList"));
RE::TESDataHandler * data_handler = RE::TESDataHandler::GetSingleton();
RE::BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine * a_vm = RE::BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine::GetSingleton();
using func_t = decltype(&PlaceAtMe);
@ -234,14 +233,19 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
logger::info(FMT_STRING("LoadInteriorRefList lookup cell override name: {} id: {:x}"), cell->GetName(), (uint32_t)cell->GetFormID());
if (!cell) {
logger::error("LoadInteriorRefList cell is null!");
return false;
//RE::TESObjectREFR * x_marker = data_handler->LookupForm<RE::TESObjectREFR>(6628, "BazaarRealm.esp");
if (target_ref) {
FFIResult<RefRecordVec> result = get_interior_ref_list(api_url.c_str(), api_key.c_str(), interior_ref_list_id);
// Placing the refs must be done on the main thread otherwise calling MoveTo causes a crash
auto task = SKSE::GetTaskInterface();
task->AddTask([result, target_ref, quest, cell, data_handler, a_vm, MoveTo_Native, PlaceAtMe_Native]() {
SKSE::RegistrationMap<bool> regMap = SKSE::RegistrationMap<bool>();
regMap.Register(quest, RE::BSFixedString("OnLoadInteriorRefList"));
if (result.IsOk()) {
logger::info("LoadInteriorRefList get_interior_ref_list result: OK");
RefRecordVec vec = result.AsOk();
@ -251,7 +255,7 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
RefRecord ref = vec.ptr[i];
logger::info(FMT_STRING("LoadInteriorRefList ref base_mod_name: {}, base_local_form_id: {:x}"), ref.base_mod_name, ref.base_local_form_id);
logger::info(FMT_STRING("LoadInteriorRefList ref position {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}, angle: {:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}, scale: {:d}"), ref.position_x, ref.position_y, ref.position_z, ref.angle_x, ref.angle_y, ref.angle_z, ref.scale);
if (ref.base_local_form_id == 7) {
if (strcmp(ref.base_mod_name, "Skyrim.esm") == 0 && ref.base_local_form_id == 7) {
logger::info("LoadInteriorRefList skipping player ref");
@ -297,9 +301,7 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
RE::ObjectRefHandle handle = game_ref->CreateRefHandle();
logger::info(FMT_STRING("LoadInteriorRefList ref handle: {:x}, game_ref: {:x}"), (uint32_t)handle.get().get(), (uint32_t)game_ref);
MoveTo_Native(game_ref, handle, cell, cell->worldSpace, position, angle);
MoveTo_Native(game_ref, game_ref->CreateRefHandle(), cell, cell->worldSpace, position, angle);
game_ref->data.angle = angle; // set angle directly to fix bug with MoveTo in an unloaded target cell
@ -311,11 +313,12 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
return false;
else {
logger::error("LoadInteriorRefList target_ref is null!");
return false;
@ -327,8 +330,6 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefListImpl(RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::BSFixedString api_ke
//RE::TESObjectREFR * new_ref = func(RE::BSScript::Internal::VirtualMachine::GetSingleton(), 1, player, gold, 50, false, false);
//_MESSAGE("New ref initially disabled: %d", new_ref->IsDisabled());
//_MESSAGE("New ref persistent: %d", new_ref->loadedData->flags & RE::TESObjectREFR::RecordFlags::kPersistent);
return true;
@ -344,9 +345,9 @@ bool LoadInteriorRefList(RE::StaticFunctionTag*, RE::BSFixedString api_url, RE::
return false;
LoadInteriorRefListImpl(api_url, api_key, interior_ref_list_id, target_ref, quest);
// LoadInteriorRefListImpl(api_url, api_key, interior_ref_list_id, target_ref, quest);
// TODO: making this async causes a crash
// std::thread thread(LoadInteriorRefListImpl, api_url, api_key, interior_ref_list_id, target_ref, quest);
// thread.detach();
std::thread thread(LoadInteriorRefListImpl, api_url, api_key, interior_ref_list_id, target_ref, quest);
return true;