# crawlnicle My personalized news and blog aggregator. Taking back control over the algorithm. Pining for the days of Google Reader. An excuse to write more Rust. ## Development Instructions ### Prerequisites Install these requirements to get started developing crawlnicle. * [rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) * [postgres](https://www.postgresql.org/) * [sqlx-cli](https://crates.io/crates/sqlx-cli) * Only postgres needed. Install with: ```bash cargo install sqlx-cli --no-default-features --features native-tls,postgres ``` * [just](https://github.com/casey/just#installation) * (optional) [cargo-watch](https://github.com/watchexec/cargo-watch#install) for auto-recompiling the server in development * (optional) [mold](https://github.com/rui314/mold#installation) for faster builds ### First-time setup 1. Create postgres user and database: ```bash createuser crawlnicle createdb crawlnicle sudo -u postgres -i psql postgres=# ALTER DATABASE crawlnicle OWNER TO crawlnicle; \password crawlnicle # Or, on Windows in PowerShell: & 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\createuser.exe' -U postgres crawlnicle & 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\createdb.exe' -U postgres crawlnicle & 'C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\psql.exe' -U postgres postgres=# ALTER DATABASE crawlnicle OWNER TO crawlnicle; \password crawlnicle ``` 1. Save password somewhere safe and then and add a `.env` file to the project directory with the contents: ```env RUST_LOG=crawlnicle=debug,cli=debug,lib=debug,tower_http=debug,sqlx=debug HOST= PORT=3000 DATABASE_URL=postgresql://crawlnicle:@localhost/crawlnicle DATABASE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=5 TITLE=crawlnicle MAX_MEM_LOG_SIZE=1000000 CONTENT_DIR=./content ``` 1. Run `just migrate` (or `sqlx migrate run`) which will run all the database migrations. ### Running in Development Run `just watch` to build and run the server while watching the source-files for changes and triggering a recompilation when modifications are made. The server also triggers the browser to reload the page when the server binary is updated and the server is restarted. It also separately watches the files in `frontend/` which will trigger a transpilation with `bun` and then rebuild the server binary so that it includes the new JS bundle names. Alternatively, you can just run `cargo run` after building the frontend JavaScript with `just build-dev-frontend`. ### Building for Production You can also build the binary in release mode for running in production with the `just build` command. This will first build the minified frontend JavaScript (`just build-frontend`) and then build the rust binary with `cargo build --release`. ## Using the CLI This project also comes with a CLI binary which allows you to manipulate the database directly without needing to go through the REST API server. Run `cli --help` to see all of the available commands. ## Running jobs To periodically fetch new items from all of the feeds execute the `cli crawl` command in a cronjob.