import { WorkerPool } from "./WorkerPool"; import store from "./store"; import { clearPlugins, setPending } from "../slices/plugins"; export const excludedPlugins = [ "Skyrim.esm", "Update.esm", "Dawnguard.esm", "HearthFires.esm", "Dragonborn.esm", ]; export const isPluginPath = (path: string) => { if ( path.endsWith(".esp") || path.endsWith(".esm") || path.endsWith(".esl") ) { return true; } return false; } export const isPlugin = (file: File) => { return isPluginPath(; } export const parsePluginFiles = (pluginFiles: File[], workerPool: WorkerPool) => { if (pluginFiles.length === 0) { alert("Found no plugins in the folder. Please select the Data folder underneath the Skyrim installation folder."); return; } store.dispatch(clearPlugins()); store.dispatch(setPending(pluginFiles.length)); pluginFiles.forEach(async (plugin) => { const contents = new Uint8Array(await plugin.arrayBuffer()); workerPool.pushTask({ skipParsing: excludedPlugins.includes(, filename:, lastModified: plugin.lastModified, contents, }); }); }