import Link from "next/link"; import { createPortal } from "react-dom"; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch } from "../lib/hooks"; import { setPluginsTxt } from "../slices/pluginsTxt"; import { addPluginInOrder, applyLoadOrder, clearPlugins, setPending, decrementPending, togglePlugin, PluginFile, } from "../slices/plugins"; import styles from "../styles/PluginLoader.module.css"; const excludedPlugins = [ "Skyrim.esm", "Update.esm", "Dawnguard.esm", "HearthFires.esm", "Dragonborn.esm", ]; type Props = {}; const PluginsLoader: React.FC = () => { const workerRef = useRef(); const [editPluginsTxt, setEditPluginsTxt] = useState(null); const [pluginsTxtShown, setPluginsTxtShown] = useState(false); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const plugins = useAppSelector((state) => state.plugins.plugins); const pluginsPending = useAppSelector((state) => state.plugins.pending); const pluginsTxt = useAppSelector((state) => state.pluginsTxt); useEffect(() => { setPluginsTxtShown(false); console.log("going to apply!"); dispatch(applyLoadOrder()); }, [dispatch, pluginsTxt]); useEffect(() => { async function loadWorker() { const { default: Worker } = await import( "worker-loader?filename=static/[fullhash].worker.js!../workers/PluginsLoader.worker" ); console.log(Worker); workerRef.current = new Worker(); workerRef.current.onmessage = (evt: { data: PluginFile }) => { const { data } = evt; console.log(`WebWorker Response =>`); dispatch(decrementPending(1)); console.log(data.parsed); dispatch(addPluginInOrder(data)); }; } loadWorker(); return () => { if (workerRef.current) { workerRef.current.terminate(); } }; }, [dispatch]); const onDataDirButtonClick = async () => { if (!workerRef.current) { return alert("Worker not loaded yet"); } const dirHandle = await ( window as Window & typeof globalThis & { showDirectoryPicker: () => any } ).showDirectoryPicker(); dispatch(clearPlugins()); const values = dirHandle.values(); const plugins = []; while (true) { const next = await; if (next.done) { break; } if ( next.value.kind == "file" && (".esp") ||".esm") ||".esl")) ) { console.log(next.value); plugins.push(next.value); } } dispatch(setPending(plugins.length)); for (const plugin of plugins) { const file = await plugin.getFile(); console.log(file.lastModified); console.log(file.lastModifiedDate); const contents = new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer()); try { workerRef.current.postMessage( { skipParsing: excludedPlugins.includes(, filename:, lastModified: file.lastModified, contents, }, [contents.buffer] ); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } }; const onPluginsTxtButtonClick = async () => { setEditPluginsTxt(pluginsTxt); setPluginsTxtShown(true); }; return ( <>

To see all of the cell edits and conflicts for your current mod load order select your Data directory below to load the plugins.

Paste or drag-and-drop your plugins.txt below to sort and enable the loaded plugins by your current load order.

    { => (
  1. dispatch(togglePlugin(plugin.filename))} /> {/*

    {plugin.parsed && plugin.parsed.header.description}

  2. ))}
{pluginsPending > 0 && ( Loading {pluginsPending} plugin{pluginsPending === 1 ? "" : "s"} )} {process.browser && createPortal(

Paste plugins.txt

The plugins.txt file is typically found at{" "} C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition . You can also drag-and-drop the file anywhere on the window to load the file.