import React, { useState, useRef } from "react"; import { createPortal } from "react-dom"; import { WorkerPool } from "../lib/WorkerPool"; import { isPluginPath, parsePluginFiles } from "../lib/plugins"; import { setPluginsTxtAndApplyLoadOrder } from "../slices/pluginsTxt"; import { useAppDispatch } from "../lib/hooks"; import styles from "../styles/DropZone.module.css"; type Props = { children?: React.ReactNode; workerPool: WorkerPool | null; }; export const DropZone: React.FC = ({ children, workerPool }) => { const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const [entered, setEntered] = useState(0); const overlay = useRef(null); const handleDropFileSystemHandle = async ( item: DataTransferItem ): Promise => { if (!item.getAsFileSystemHandle) { return false; } const entry = await item.getAsFileSystemHandle(); if (entry.kind === "file") { const file = await (entry as FileSystemFileHandle).getFile(); dispatch(setPluginsTxtAndApplyLoadOrder(await file.text())); return true; } else if (entry.kind === "directory") { const plugins: { getFile: () => Promise }[] = []; const values = ( entry as FileSystemDirectoryHandle & { values: any } ).values(); // I'm scared of yield and generators so I'm just going to do a lame while loop while (true) { const next = await; if (next.done) { break; } if (next.value.kind == "file" && isPluginPath( { plugins.push(next.value); } } const pluginFiles = await Promise.all( (plugin) => plugin.getFile()) ); if (workerPool) { parsePluginFiles(pluginFiles, workerPool); } else { alert("Workers not loaded yet"); } return true; } return false; }; const handleDropWebkitEntry = async ( item: DataTransferItem ): Promise => { if (!item.webkitGetAsEntry) { return false; } const entry = item.webkitGetAsEntry(); if (entry?.isFile) { (entry as FileSystemFileEntry).file(async (file) => { dispatch(setPluginsTxtAndApplyLoadOrder(await file.text())); }); return true; } else if (entry?.isDirectory) { const reader = (entry as FileSystemDirectoryEntry).createReader(); const plugins = await new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { const plugins: FileSystemFileEntry[] = []; reader.readEntries((entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (entry?.isFile && isPluginPath( { plugins.push(entry as FileSystemFileEntry); } }); resolve(plugins); }, reject); } ); const pluginFiles = await Promise.all( (plugin) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => plugin.file((file) => resolve(file), reject) ) ) ); if (workerPool) { parsePluginFiles(pluginFiles, workerPool); } else { alert("Workers not loaded yet"); } return true; } return false; }; const handleDrop = async (event: React.DragEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); setEntered(0); if (event.dataTransfer.items && event.dataTransfer.items.length > 0) { const item = event.dataTransfer.items[0]; if (item.kind === "file") { // Gotta love all these competing web file system standards... let processed = await handleDropFileSystemHandle(item); if (!processed) { processed = await handleDropWebkitEntry(item); } if (!processed) { const file = item.getAsFile(); if (file) { dispatch(setPluginsTxtAndApplyLoadOrder(await file.text())); } } } else if (item.kind === "string") { item.getAsString((str) => { dispatch(setPluginsTxtAndApplyLoadOrder(str)); }); } } }; return ( <>
{overlay.current && entered > 0 ? createPortal(
Drop Skyrim Data folder or plugins.txt file
, overlay.current ) : null}
event.preventDefault()} onDragEnter={() => setEntered((entered) => entered + 1)} onDragLeave={() => setEntered((entered) => entered - 1)} onDrop={handleDrop} > {children}
); };