import React, { useCallback, useRef, useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import Gradient from "javascript-color-gradient"; import mapboxgl from "mapbox-gl"; import useSWRImmutable from "swr/immutable"; import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from "../lib/hooks"; import { setSelectedFetchedPlugin, PluginFile } from "../slices/plugins"; import styles from "../styles/Map.module.css"; import Sidebar from "./Sidebar"; import ToggleLayersControl from "./ToggleLayersControl"; import SearchBar from "./SearchBar"; import { csvFetcher, jsonFetcherWithLastModified } from "../lib/api"; mapboxgl.accessToken = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_TOKEN ?? ""; const colorGradient = new Gradient(); colorGradient.setGradient( "#0000FF", "#00FF00", "#FFFF00", "#FFA500", "#FF0000" ); colorGradient.setMidpoint(360); const LIVE_DOWNLOAD_COUNTS_URL = ""; const Map: React.FC = () => { const router = useRouter(); const mapContainer = useRef( null ) as React.MutableRefObject; const map = useRef( null ) as React.MutableRefObject; const mapWrapper = useRef( null ) as React.MutableRefObject; const [mapLoaded, setMapLoaded] = useState(false); const [heatmapLoaded, setHeatmapLoaded] = useState(false); const [selectedCell, setSelectedCell] = useState<{ x: number; y: number; } | null>(null); const [selectedCells, setSelectedCells] = useState< | { x: number; y: number; }[] | null >(null); const [sidebarOpen, setSidebarOpen] = useState(true); const dispatch = useAppDispatch(); const parsedPlugins = useAppSelector((state) => state.plugins.parsedPlugins); const fetchedPlugins = useAppSelector( (state) => state.plugins.fetchedPlugins ); const pluginsPending = useAppSelector((state) => state.plugins.pending); const selectedFetchedPlugin = useAppSelector( (state) => state.plugins.selectedFetchedPlugin ); const { data: cellsData, error: cellsError } = useSWRImmutable( "", (_) => jsonFetcherWithLastModified>(_) ); // The live download counts are not really immutable, but I'd still rather load them once per session const [counts, setCounts] = useState | null>(null); const { data: countsData, error: countsError } = useSWRImmutable( LIVE_DOWNLOAD_COUNTS_URL, csvFetcher ); const selectMapCell = useCallback( (cell: { x: number; y: number }) => { if (!map.current) return; if (map.current && !map.current.getSource("grid-source")) return; // map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "grid-source" }); map.current.setFeatureState( { source: "grid-source", id: (cell.x + 57) * 1000 + 50 - cell.y, }, { selected: true, } ); map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "selected-cell-source" }); // map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "conflicted-cell-source" }); map.current.setFeatureState( { source: "selected-cell-source", id: (cell.x + 57) * 1000 + 50 - cell.y, }, { cellSelected: true, // modSelected: false, } ); requestAnimationFrame(() => map.current && map.current.resize()); const panTo = () => { const zoom = map.current.getZoom(); const viewportNW = map.current.project([-180, 85.051129]); const cellSize = Math.pow(2, zoom + 2); const x = cell.x + 57; const y = 50 - cell.y; let nw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let se = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); const bounds = map.current.getBounds(); if (!bounds.contains(nw) || !bounds.contains(se)) { map.current.panTo(nw); } }; const bearing = map.current.getBearing(); const pitch = map.current.getPitch(); // This logic breaks with camera rotation / pitch if (bearing !== 0 || pitch !== 0) { map.current.easeTo({ bearing: 0, pitch: 0, duration: 300 }); setTimeout(() => { panTo(); }, 300); } else { panTo(); } }, [map] ); const selectCells = useCallback( (cells: { x: number; y: number }[], { fitCells } = { fitCells: false }) => { if (!map.current) return; if (map.current && !map.current.getSource("grid-source")) return; map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "selected-cells-source" }); map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "conflicted-cell-source" }); const visited: { [id: number]: boolean } = {}; for (let cell of cells) { const id = (cell.x + 57) * 1000 + 50 - cell.y; map.current.setFeatureState( { source: "selected-cells-source", id, }, { modSelected: true, } ); map.current.setFeatureState( { source: "conflicted-cell-source", id, }, { conflicted: visited[id] === true ? true : false, } ); visited[id] = true; } if (fitCells) { let bounds: mapboxgl.LngLatBounds | null = null; const fitBounds = () => { const zoom = map.current.getZoom(); const viewportNW = map.current.project([-180, 85.051129]); const cellSize = Math.pow(2, zoom + 2); for (const cell of cells) { const x = cell.x + 57; const y = 50 - cell.y; let ne = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let sw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); if (bounds) { bounds.extend(new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(sw, ne)); } else { bounds = new mapboxgl.LngLatBounds(sw, ne); } } requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (map.current) { map.current.resize(); if (bounds) { map.current.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 40 }); } } }); }; const bearing = map.current.getBearing(); const pitch = map.current.getPitch(); // This logic breaks with camera rotation / pitch if (bearing !== 0 || pitch !== 0) { map.current.easeTo({ bearing: 0, pitch: 0, duration: 300 }); setTimeout(() => { fitBounds(); }, 300); } else { fitBounds(); } } }, [map] ); const selectCell = useCallback( (cell) => { router.push({ query: { cell: cell.x + "," + cell.y } }); setSelectedCell(cell); setSidebarOpen(true); selectMapCell(cell); }, [setSelectedCell, selectMapCell, router] ); const clearSelectedCell = useCallback(() => { setSelectedCell(null); if (map.current) map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "grid-source" }); if (map.current) { map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "selected-cell-source" }); // map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "conflicted-cell-source" }); } requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (map.current) map.current.resize(); }); }, [map]); const clearSelectedCells = useCallback(() => { setSelectedCells(null); dispatch(setSelectedFetchedPlugin(undefined)); if (map.current) { map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "selected-cells-source" }); map.current.removeFeatureState({ source: "conflicted-cell-source" }); } requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (map.current) map.current.resize(); }); }, [map, dispatch]); const clearSelectedMod = useCallback(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (map.current) map.current.resize(); }); }, [map]); const setSidebarOpenWithResize = useCallback( (open) => { setSidebarOpen(open); requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (map.current) map.current.resize(); }); }, [map] ); useEffect(() => { if (!heatmapLoaded) return; // wait for all map layers to load if (router.query.cell && typeof router.query.cell === "string") { const cellUrlParts = decodeURIComponent(router.query.cell).split(","); const cell = { x: parseInt(cellUrlParts[0]), y: parseInt(cellUrlParts[1]), }; if ( !selectedCell || selectedCell.x !== cell.x || selectedCell.y !== cell.y ) { clearSelectedCells(); selectCell(cell); } } else if (router.query.mod && typeof router.query.mod === "string") { if (selectedCells) { clearSelectedCell(); setSidebarOpen(true); selectCells(selectedCells, { fitCells: true }); } else { // TODO: this is so spaghetti clearSelectedCell(); } } else if (router.query.plugin && typeof router.query.plugin === "string") { clearSelectedCell(); setSidebarOpen(true); if (parsedPlugins && parsedPlugins.length > 0 && pluginsPending === 0) { const plugin = parsedPlugins.find( (p) => p.hash === router.query.plugin ); if (plugin && plugin.parsed) { const cells = []; const cellSet = new Set(); for (const cell of plugin?.parsed?.cells) { if ( cell.x !== undefined && cell.y !== undefined && cell.world_form_id === 60 && plugin.parsed.header.masters[0] === "Skyrim.esm" && cellSet.has(cell.x + cell.y * 1000) === false ) { cells.push({ x: cell.x, y: cell.y }); cellSet.add(cell.x + cell.y * 1000); } } selectCells(cells, { fitCells: true }); } } } else { clearSelectedCells(); clearSelectedCell(); } if ( pluginsPending === 0 && ((parsedPlugins && parsedPlugins.length > 0) || fetchedPlugins.length > 0) && !router.query.mod && !router.query.plugin ) { let cells = parsedPlugins.reduce( (acc: { x: number; y: number }[], plugin: PluginFile) => { if (plugin.enabled && plugin.parsed) { const newCells = [...acc]; for (const cell of plugin.parsed.cells) { if ( cell.x !== undefined && cell.y !== undefined && cell.world_form_id === 60 && plugin.parsed.header.masters[0] === "Skyrim.esm" ) { newCells.push({ x: cell.x, y: cell.y }); } } return newCells; } return acc; }, [] ); cells = cells.concat( fetchedPlugins .filter((plugin) => plugin.enabled) .flatMap((plugin) => plugin.cells) ); selectCells(cells); } }, [ selectedCell, selectedCells, router.query.cell, router.query.mod, router.query.plugin, selectCell, selectCells, clearSelectedCell, clearSelectedCells, heatmapLoaded, parsedPlugins, pluginsPending, fetchedPlugins, ]); useEffect(() => { if (!heatmapLoaded) return; // wait for all map layers to load if ( router.query.plugin && typeof router.query.plugin === "string" && selectedFetchedPlugin && selectedFetchedPlugin.cells ) { const cells = []; const cellSet = new Set(); for (const cell of selectedFetchedPlugin.cells) { if ( cell.x !== undefined && cell.y !== undefined && cellSet.has(cell.x + cell.y * 1000) === false ) { cells.push({ x: cell.x, y: cell.y }); cellSet.add(cell.x + cell.y * 1000); } } selectCells(cells); } }, [heatmapLoaded, selectedFetchedPlugin, selectCells, router.query.plugin]); useEffect(() => { if (!heatmapLoaded) return; // wait for all map layers to load if (!router.query.mod || typeof router.query.mod !== "string") { clearSelectedMod(); } }, [router.query.mod, clearSelectedMod, heatmapLoaded]); useEffect(() => { if (map.current) return; // initialize map only once map.current = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: mapContainer.current, style: { version: 8, sources: { "raster-tiles": { type: "raster", tiles: ["{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg"], tileSize: 256, attribution: 'Map tiles by UESP • Mod data from Nexus ModsGitHubDonate ❤️', }, }, layers: [ { id: "simple-tiles", type: "raster", source: "raster-tiles", }, ], glyphs: "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf", }, center: [0, 0], zoom: 0, minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 8, maxBounds: [ [-180, -85.051129], [180, 85.051129], ], }); map.current.on("load", () => { setMapLoaded(true); }); }, [setMapLoaded]); useEffect(() => { if (!cellsData || !router.isReady || !mapLoaded) return; // wait for map to initialize and data to load if (map.current.getSource("graticule")) return; // don't initialize twice const zoom = map.current.getZoom(); const viewportNW = map.current.project([-180, 85.051129]); const cellSize = Math.pow(2, zoom + 2); const graticule: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection< GeoJSON.Geometry, GeoJSON.GeoJsonProperties > = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [], }; for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 1) { let lng = map.current.unproject([x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, -90]).lng; graticule.features.push({ type: "Feature", geometry: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [lng, -90], [lng, 90], ], }, properties: { value: x }, }); } for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 1) { let lat = map.current.unproject([-180, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y]).lat; graticule.features.push({ type: "Feature", geometry: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [-180, lat], [180, lat], ], }, properties: { value: y }, }); } map.current.addSource("graticule", { type: "geojson", data: graticule, }); map.current.addLayer({ id: "graticule", type: "line", source: "graticule", }); const gridLabelPoints: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection< GeoJSON.Geometry, GeoJSON.GeoJsonProperties > = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [], }; for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 1) { for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 1) { let nw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize / 32, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize / 32, ]); gridLabelPoints.features.push({ type: "Feature", geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [nw.lng,], }, properties: { label: `${x - 57}, ${50 - y}`, }, }); } } map.current.addSource("grid-labels-source", { type: "geojson", data: gridLabelPoints, }); map.current.addLayer({ id: "grid-labels-layer", type: "symbol", source: "grid-labels-source", layout: { "text-field": ["get", "label"], "text-font": ["Open Sans Semibold", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"], "text-offset": [0, 0], "text-anchor": "top-left", "text-rotation-alignment": "map", }, paint: { "text-halo-width": 1, "text-halo-blur": 3, "text-halo-color": "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)", }, minzoom: 4, }); const grid: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection< GeoJSON.Geometry, GeoJSON.GeoJsonProperties > = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [], }; for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 1) { for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 1) { let nw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let ne = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let se = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); let sw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); const editCount =[`${x - 57},${50 - y}`]; grid.features.push({ type: "Feature", id: x * 1000 + y, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], [se.lng,], [sw.lng,], [nw.lng,], ], ], }, properties: { x: x, y: y, cellX: x - 57, cellY: 50 - y, label: `${x - 57}, ${50 - y}`, color: editCount ? colorGradient.getColor(editCount) : "#888888", opacity: editCount ? Math.min((editCount / 150) * 0.25, 0.5) : 0, }, }); } } map.current.addSource("grid-source", { type: "geojson", data: grid, }); map.current.addLayer( { id: "grid-layer", type: "fill", source: "grid-source", paint: { "fill-opacity": 0, }, }, "grid-labels-layer" ); map.current.addLayer( { id: "heatmap-layer", type: "fill", source: "grid-source", paint: { "fill-color": ["get", "color"], "fill-opacity": ["get", "opacity"], "fill-outline-color": [ "case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "selected"], false], "white", "transparent", ], }, }, "grid-labels-layer" ); const selectedCellLines: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection< GeoJSON.Geometry, GeoJSON.GeoJsonProperties > = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [], }; for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 1) { for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 1) { let nw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let ne = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let se = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); let sw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); selectedCellLines.features.push({ type: "Feature", id: x * 1000 + y, geometry: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], [se.lng,], [sw.lng,], [nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], ], }, properties: { x: x, y: y }, }); } } map.current.addSource("selected-cells-source", { type: "geojson", data: selectedCellLines, }); map.current.addLayer({ id: "selected-cells-layer", type: "line", source: "selected-cells-source", paint: { "line-color": [ "case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "modSelected"], false], "purple", "transparent", ], "line-width": [ "case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "modSelected"], false], 4, 3, ], }, layout: { "line-join": "round", }, }); const conflictedCellLines: GeoJSON.FeatureCollection< GeoJSON.Geometry, GeoJSON.GeoJsonProperties > = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [], }; for (let x = 0; x < 128; x += 1) { for (let y = 0; y < 128; y += 1) { let nw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let ne = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y, ]); let se = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x + cellSize, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); let sw = map.current.unproject([ x * cellSize + viewportNW.x, y * cellSize + viewportNW.y + cellSize, ]); conflictedCellLines.features.push({ type: "Feature", id: x * 1000 + y, geometry: { type: "LineString", coordinates: [ [nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], [se.lng,], [sw.lng,], [nw.lng,], [ne.lng,], ], }, properties: { x: x, y: y }, }); } } map.current.addSource("conflicted-cell-source", { type: "geojson", data: conflictedCellLines, }); map.current.addLayer({ id: "conflicted-cell-layer", type: "line", source: "conflicted-cell-source", paint: { "line-color": [ "case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "conflicted"], false], "red", "transparent", ], "line-width": 4, }, layout: { "line-join": "round", }, }); map.current.addSource("selected-cell-source", { type: "geojson", data: selectedCellLines, }); map.current.addLayer({ id: "selected-cell-layer", type: "line", source: "selected-cell-source", paint: { "line-color": [ "case", ["boolean", ["feature-state", "cellSelected"], false], "blue", "transparent", ], "line-width": 3, }, layout: { "line-join": "round", }, }); const fullscreenControl = new mapboxgl.FullscreenControl(); (fullscreenControl as unknown as { _container: HTMLElement })._container = mapWrapper.current; map.current.addControl(fullscreenControl); map.current.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl()); map.current.on("click", "grid-layer", (e) => { const features = e.features; if (features && features[0]) { const cell = { x: features[0].properties!.cellX, y: features[0].properties!.cellY, }; router.push({ query: { cell: cell.x + "," + cell.y } }); } }); setHeatmapLoaded(true); }, [cellsData, mapLoaded, router, setHeatmapLoaded]); useEffect(() => { if (countsData) { const newCounts: Record = {}; for (const line of countsData.split("\n")) { const nums = line.split(",").map((count) => parseInt(count, 10)); newCounts[nums[0]] = [nums[1], nums[2], nums[3]]; } setCounts(newCounts); } }, [setCounts, countsData]); return ( <>
router.push({ query: {} })} setSelectedCells={setSelectedCells} counts={counts} countsError={countsError} open={sidebarOpen} setOpen={setSidebarOpenWithResize} lastModified={cellsData && cellsData.lastModified} /> { if (!selectedItem) return; if ( selectedItem.x !== undefined && selectedItem.y !== undefined ) { router.push({ query: { cell: `${selectedItem.x},${selectedItem.y}` }, }); } else { router.push({ query: { mod: } }); } }} includeCells fixed />
); }; export default Map;