use anyhow::Result; use argh::FromArgs; use compress_tools::{list_archive_files, uncompress_archive_file}; use dotenv::dotenv; use reqwest::StatusCode; use skyrim_cell_dump::parse_plugin; use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions; use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::env; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; use std::time::Duration; use tempfile::tempdir; use tokio::fs::create_dir_all; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncSeekExt}; use tokio::time::sleep; use tracing::{debug, error, info, info_span, warn}; use unrar::Archive; mod models; mod nexus_api; mod nexus_scraper; use models::game; use models::plugin; use models::{cell, cell::UnsavedCell}; use models::{file, file::File}; use models::{ game_mod, game_mod::{Mod, UnsavedMod}, }; use models::{plugin_cell, plugin_cell::UnsavedPluginCell}; use models::{plugin_world, plugin_world::UnsavedPluginWorld}; use models::{world, world::UnsavedWorld}; use nexus_api::{GAME_ID, GAME_NAME}; #[derive(FromArgs)] /// Downloads every mod off nexus mods, parses CELL and WRLD data from plugins in each, and saves the data to the database. struct Args { #[argh(option, short = 'p', default = "1")] /// the page number to start scraping for mods on nexus mods. page: usize, } fn get_local_form_id_and_master<'a>( form_id: u32, masters: &'a [&str], file_name: &'a str, ) -> Result<(i32, &'a str)> { let master_index = (form_id >> 24) as usize; let local_form_id = (form_id & 0xFFFFFF).try_into()?; if master_index >= masters.len() { return Ok((local_form_id, file_name)); } Ok((local_form_id, masters[master_index])) } async fn process_plugin( plugin_buf: &mut [u8], pool: &sqlx::Pool, db_file: &File, db_mod: &Mod, file_path: &str, ) -> Result<()> { if plugin_buf.len() == 0 { warn!("skipping processing of invalid empty plugin"); return Ok(()); } info!(bytes = plugin_buf.len(), "parsing plugin"); match parse_plugin(&plugin_buf) { Ok(plugin) => { info!( num_worlds = plugin.worlds.len(), num_cells = plugin.cells.len(), "parse finished" ); let hash = seahash::hash(&plugin_buf); let file_name = Path::new(file_path) .file_name() .expect("plugin path ends in a valid file_name") .to_string_lossy(); let author =; let description = plugin.header.description.as_deref(); let masters: Vec<&str> = plugin.header.masters.iter().map(|s| s.borrow()).collect(); let plugin_row = plugin::insert( &pool, &, hash as i64,, plugin.header.version as f64, plugin_buf.len() as i64, author, description, &masters, &file_name, file_path, ) .await?; let worlds: Vec = plugin .worlds .iter() .map(|world| { let (form_id, master) = get_local_form_id_and_master(world.form_id, &masters, &file_name) .expect("form_id to be a valid i32"); UnsavedWorld { form_id, master } }) .collect(); let db_worlds = world::batched_insert(&pool, &worlds).await?; let plugin_worlds: Vec = db_worlds .iter() .zip(&plugin.worlds) .map(|(db_world, plugin_world)| UnsavedPluginWorld { plugin_id:, world_id:, editor_id: &plugin_world.editor_id, }) .collect(); plugin_world::batched_insert(&pool, &plugin_worlds).await?; let cells: Vec = plugin .cells .iter() .map(|cell| { let world_id = if let Some(world_form_id) = cell.world_form_id { let (form_id, master) = get_local_form_id_and_master(world_form_id, &masters, &file_name) .expect("form_id to be valid i32"); Some( db_worlds .iter() .find(|&world| world.form_id == form_id && world.master == master) .expect("cell references world in the plugin worlds") .id, ) } else { None }; let (form_id, master) = get_local_form_id_and_master(cell.form_id, &masters, &file_name) .expect("form_id is a valid i32"); UnsavedCell { form_id, master, x: cell.x, y: cell.y, world_id, is_persistent: cell.is_persistent, } }) .collect(); let db_cells = cell::batched_insert(&pool, &cells).await?; let plugin_cells: Vec = db_cells .iter() .zip(&plugin.cells) .map(|(db_cell, plugin_cell)| UnsavedPluginCell { plugin_id:, cell_id:, editor_id: plugin_cell.editor_id.as_ref().map(|id| id.as_ref()), }) .collect(); plugin_cell::batched_insert(&pool, &plugin_cells).await?; } Err(err) => { warn!(error = %err, "Failed to parse plugin, skipping plugin"); } } let plugin_path = format!( "plugins/{}/{}/{}/{}", GAME_NAME, db_mod.nexus_mod_id, db_file.nexus_file_id, file_path ); let plugin_path = Path::new(&plugin_path); if let Some(dir) = plugin_path.parent() { create_dir_all(dir).await?; } let mut file = tokio::fs::File::create(plugin_path).await?; info!(path = %plugin_path.display(), "saving plugin to disk"); file.write_all(&plugin_buf).await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() -> Result<()> { dotenv().ok(); tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .max_connections(5) .connect(&env::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; let game = game::insert(&pool, GAME_NAME, GAME_ID as i32).await?; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let args: Args = argh::from_env(); let mut page =; let mut has_next_page = true; while has_next_page { let page_span = info_span!("page", page); let _page_span = page_span.enter(); let mod_list_resp = nexus_scraper::get_mod_list_page(&client, page).await?; let scraped = mod_list_resp.scrape_mods()?; has_next_page = scraped.has_next_page; let present_mods = game_mod::bulk_get_present_nexus_mod_ids( &pool, &scraped .mods .iter() .map(|scraped_mod| scraped_mod.nexus_mod_id) .collect::>(), ) .await?; let mods_to_create: Vec = scraped .mods .iter() .filter(|scraped_mod| !present_mods.contains(&scraped_mod.nexus_mod_id)) .map(|scraped_mod| UnsavedMod { name:, nexus_mod_id: scraped_mod.nexus_mod_id, author:, category: scraped_mod.category, description: scraped_mod.desc, game_id:, }) .collect(); let mods = game_mod::batched_insert(&pool, &mods_to_create).await?; for db_mod in mods { let mod_span = info_span!("mod", name = ?&, id = &db_mod.nexus_mod_id); let _mod_span = mod_span.enter(); let files_resp = nexus_api::files::get(&client, db_mod.nexus_mod_id).await?; debug!(duration = ?files_resp.wait, "sleeping"); sleep(files_resp.wait).await; // Filter out replaced/deleted files (indicated by null category) and archived files let files = files_resp .files()? .into_iter() .filter(|file| match file.category { None => { info!( name = file.file_name, id = file.file_id, "skipping file with no category" ); false } Some(category) if category == "ARCHIVED" => false, Some(_) => true, }); for api_file in files { let file_span = info_span!("file", name = &api_file.file_name, id = &api_file.file_id); let _file_span = file_span.enter(); let db_file = file::insert( &pool,, api_file.file_name, api_file.file_id as i32,, api_file.category, api_file.version, api_file.mod_version, api_file.size, api_file.uploaded_at, ) .await?; let mut checked_metadata = false; match nexus_api::metadata::contains_plugin(&client, &api_file).await { Ok(contains_plugin) => { if let Some(contains_plugin) = contains_plugin { checked_metadata = true; if !contains_plugin { info!("file metadata does not contain a plugin, skip downloading"); continue; } } else { warn!("file has no metadata link, continuing with download"); } } Err(err) => { warn!(error = %err, "error retreiving metadata for file, continuing with download"); } }; let download_link_resp = nexus_api::download_link::get(&client, db_mod.nexus_mod_id, api_file.file_id) .await; if let Err(err) = &download_link_resp { if let Some(reqwest_err) = err.downcast_ref::() { if reqwest_err.status() == Some(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) { warn!( status = ?reqwest_err.status(), "failed to get download link for file" ); file::update_has_download_link(&pool,, false).await?; continue; } } } let download_link_resp = download_link_resp?; let mut tokio_file = download_link_resp.download_file(&client).await?; info!(bytes = api_file.size, "download finished"); create_dir_all(format!( "plugins/{}/{}/{}", GAME_NAME, db_mod.nexus_mod_id, db_file.nexus_file_id )) .await?; let mut initial_bytes = [0; 8];; match tokio_file.read_exact(&mut initial_bytes).await { Err(err) => { warn!(error = %err, "failed to read initial bytes, skipping file"); continue; } _ => {} } let kind = infer::get(&initial_bytes).expect("unknown file type of file download"); info!( mime_type = kind.mime_type(), "inferred mime_type of downloaded archive" ); match kind.mime_type() { "application/vnd.rar" => { info!("downloaded archive is RAR archive, attempt to uncompress entire archive"); // Use unrar to uncompress the entire .rar file to avoid bugs with compress_tools uncompressing certain .rar files: //,; let mut file = tokio_file.try_clone().await?.into_std().await; let temp_dir = tempdir()?; let temp_file_path = temp_dir.path().join("download.rar"); let mut temp_file = std::fs::File::create(&temp_file_path)?; std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut temp_file)?; let mut plugin_file_paths = Vec::new(); let list = Archive::new(&temp_file_path.to_string_lossy().to_string())?.list(); if let Ok(list) = list { for entry in list { if let Ok(entry) = entry { if let Some(extension) = entry.filename.extension() { if entry.is_file() && (extension == "esp" || extension == "esm" || extension == "esl") { plugin_file_paths.push(entry.filename); } } } } } else { if !checked_metadata { warn!("failed to read archive and server has no metadata, skipping file"); continue; } else { error!("failed to read archive, but server had metadata"); panic!("failed to read archive, but server had metadata"); } } info!( num_plugin_files = plugin_file_paths.len(), "listed plugins in downloaded archive" ); if plugin_file_paths.len() > 0 { info!("uncompressing downloaded archive"); let extract = Archive::new(&temp_file_path.to_string_lossy().to_string())? .extract_to(temp_dir.path().to_string_lossy().to_string()); extract .expect("failed to extract") .process() .expect("failed to extract"); for file_path in plugin_file_paths.iter() { info!( ?file_path, "processing uncompressed file from downloaded archive" ); let mut plugin_buf = std::fs::read(temp_dir.path().join(file_path))?; process_plugin( &mut plugin_buf, &pool, &db_file, &db_mod, &file_path.to_string_lossy(), ) .await?; } } temp_dir.close()?; } _ => {; let mut file = tokio_file.try_clone().await?.into_std().await; let mut plugin_file_paths = Vec::new(); let archive_files = match list_archive_files(&file) { Ok(files) => Ok(files), Err(err) => { if !checked_metadata { warn!(error = %err, "failed to read archive and server has no metadata, skipping file"); continue; } else { error!(error = %err, "failed to read archive, but server had metadata"); Err(err) } } }?; for file_path in archive_files { if file_path.ends_with(".esp") || file_path.ends_with(".esm") || file_path.ends_with(".esl") { plugin_file_paths.push(file_path); } } info!( num_plugin_files = plugin_file_paths.len(), "listed plugins in downloaded archive" ); for file_path in plugin_file_paths.iter() { let plugin_span = info_span!("plugin", name = ?file_path); let plugin_span = plugin_span.enter();; let mut buf = Vec::default(); info!("uncompressing plugin file from downloaded archive"); match uncompress_archive_file(&mut file, &mut buf, file_path) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(err) => { if kind.mime_type() == "application/zip" { // compress_tools or libarchive failed to extract zip file (e.g. archive is deflate64 compressed) // Attempt to uncompress the archive using `unzip` unix command instead warn!(error = %err, "failed to extract file with compress_tools, extracting whole archive with unzip instead"); drop(plugin_span);; let temp_dir = tempdir()?; let temp_file_path = temp_dir .path() .join(format!("download.{}", kind.extension())); let mut temp_file = std::fs::File::create(&temp_file_path)?; std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut temp_file)?; let extracted_path = temp_dir.path().join("extracted"); Command::new("unzip") .args(&[ &temp_file_path.to_string_lossy(), "-d", &extracted_path.to_string_lossy(), ]) .status()?; for file_path in plugin_file_paths.iter() { let plugin_span = info_span!("plugin", name = ?file_path); let _plugin_span = plugin_span.enter(); info!("processing uncompressed file from downloaded archive"); let mut plugin_buf = std::fs::read(extracted_path.join(file_path))?; process_plugin( &mut plugin_buf, &pool, &db_file, &db_mod, file_path, ) .await?; } break; } Err(err) } }?; process_plugin(&mut buf, &pool, &db_file, &db_mod, file_path).await?; } } } debug!(duration = ?download_link_resp.wait, "sleeping"); sleep(download_link_resp.wait).await; } } page += 1; debug!(?page, ?has_next_page, "sleeping 1 second"); sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } Ok(()) }