use anyhow::Result; use chrono::NaiveDate; use reqwest::Client; use scraper::{Html, Selector}; use tracing::{info, instrument}; pub struct ModListResponse { html: Html, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ScrapedMod<'a> { pub nexus_mod_id: i32, pub name: &'a str, pub category_name: Option<&'a str>, pub category_id: Option, pub author_name: &'a str, pub author_id: i32, pub desc: Option<&'a str>, pub thumbnail_link: Option<&'a str>, pub last_update_at: NaiveDate, pub first_upload_at: NaiveDate, } pub struct ModListScrape<'a> { pub mods: Vec>, pub has_next_page: bool, } #[instrument(skip(client))] pub async fn get_mod_list_page( client: &Client, page: usize, game_name: &str, game_id: i32, include_translations: bool, ) -> Result { let res = client .get(format!( ",home:false,type:0,user_id:0,game_id:{},advfilt:true,tags_{}%5B%5D:1428,include_adult:true,page_size:20,show_game_filter:false,open:false,page:{},sort_by:lastupdate", game_id, match include_translations { true => "yes", false => "no" }, page )) .header("host", "") .header("referrer", format!("{}/mods/", game_name)) .header("sec-fetch-dest", "empty") .header("sec-fetch-mode", "cors") .header("sec-fetch-site", "same-origin") .header("x-requested-with", "XMLHttpRequest") .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; info!(status = %res.status(), "fetched mod list page"); let text = res.text().await?; let html = Html::parse_document(&text); Ok(ModListResponse { html }) } impl ModListResponse { #[instrument(skip(self))] pub fn scrape_mods<'a>(&'a self) -> Result { let mod_select = Selector::parse("li.mod-tile").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let left_select = Selector::parse("div.mod-tile-left").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let right_select = Selector::parse("div.mod-tile-right").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let name_select = Selector::parse("p.tile-name a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let category_select = Selector::parse("div.category a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let author_select = Selector::parse(" a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let desc_select = Selector::parse("p.desc").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let thumbnail_select = Selector::parse("a.mod-image img.fore").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let first_upload_date_select = Selector::parse("").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let last_update_date_select = Selector::parse("").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let next_page_select = Selector::parse("div.pagination li:last-child").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let next_page_elem =; let has_next_page = next_page_elem.is_none(); let mods: Vec = self .html .select(&mod_select) .map(|element| { let left = element .select(&left_select) .next() .expect("Missing left div for mod"); let right = element .select(&right_select) .next() .expect("Missing right div for mod"); let nexus_mod_id = left .value() .attr("data-mod-id") .expect("Missing mod id attribute") .parse::() .expect("Failed to parse mod id"); let name_elem = right .select(&name_select) .next() .expect("Missing name link for mod"); let name = name_elem.text().next().expect("Missing name text for mod"); let category_elem = right .select(&category_select) .next() .expect("Missing category link for mod"); let category_id = match category_elem.value().attr("href") { Some(href) => href .split("/") .nth(6) .expect("Missing category id for mod") .parse::() .ok(), None => None, }; let category_name = category_elem.text().next(); let author_elem = right .select(&author_select) .next() .expect("Missing author link for mod"); let author_id = author_elem .value() .attr("href") .expect("Missing author link href for mod") .split("/") .last() .expect("Missing author id for mod") .parse::() .expect("Failed to parse author id"); let author_name = author_elem .text() .next() .unwrap_or("Unknown"); let desc_elem = right .select(&desc_select) .next() .expect("Missing desc elem for mod"); let desc = desc_elem.text().next(); let thumbnail_elem = left .select(&thumbnail_select) .next() .expect("Missing thumbnail elem for mod"); let thumbnail_link = thumbnail_elem.value().attr("src"); let first_upload_date_text = right .select(&first_upload_date_select) .next() .expect("Missing dates elem for mod") .text(); let first_upload_at = first_upload_date_text .skip(2) .next() .expect("Missing last update text for mod") .trim(); let first_upload_at = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(first_upload_at, "%d %b %Y") .expect("Cannot parse first upload date"); let last_update_date_text = right .select(&last_update_date_select) .next() .expect("Missing dates elem for mod") .text(); let last_update_at = last_update_date_text .skip(1) .next() .expect("Missing last update text for mod") .trim(); let last_update_at = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(last_update_at, "%d %b %Y") .expect("Cannot parse last update date"); ScrapedMod { nexus_mod_id, name, category_name, category_id, author_name, author_id, desc, thumbnail_link, last_update_at, first_upload_at, } }) .collect(); info!( len = mods.len(), has_next_page, "scraped mods from mod list page" ); Ok(ModListScrape { mods, has_next_page, }) } }