use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use chrono::DateTime; use chrono::Duration; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use chrono::Utc; use compress_tools::{list_archive_files, uncompress_archive_file}; use dotenv::dotenv; use futures::future::try_join_all; use futures::stream::TryStreamExt; use reqwest::Response; use scraper::{Html, Selector}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::Value; use skyrim_cell_dump::parse_plugin; use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::env; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::SeekFrom; use tempfile::tempfile; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncSeekExt}; use tokio::time::sleep; use tokio_util::compat::FuturesAsyncReadCompatExt; use zip::write::{FileOptions, ZipWriter}; static USER_AGENT: &str = "mod-mapper/0.1"; static GAME_NAME: &str = "skyrimspecialedition"; const GAME_ID: u32 = 1704; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Game { id: i32, name: String, nexus_game_id: i32, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Mod { id: i32, name: String, nexus_mod_id: i32, author: String, category: String, description: Option, game_id: i32, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct File { id: i32, name: String, file_name: String, nexus_file_id: i32, mod_id: i32, category: Option, version: Option, mod_version: Option, uploaded_at: NaiveDateTime, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Plugin { id: i32, name: String, hash: i64, file_id: i32, version: Option, author: Option, description: Option, masters: Option>, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Cell { id: i32, form_id: i32, x: Option, y: Option, is_persistent: bool, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct PluginCell { id: i32, plugin_id: i32, cell_id: i32, editor_id: Option, updated_at: NaiveDateTime, created_at: NaiveDateTime, } async fn insert_game( pool: &sqlx::Pool, name: &str, nexus_game_id: i32, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( Game, "INSERT INTO games (name, nexus_game_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (nexus_game_id, name) DO UPDATE SET (name, updated_at) = (, now()) RETURNING *", name, nexus_game_id ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert game") } async fn insert_mod( pool: &sqlx::Pool, name: &str, nexus_mod_id: i32, author: &str, category: &str, description: Option<&str>, game_id: i32, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( Mod, "INSERT INTO mods (name, nexus_mod_id, author, category, description, game_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (game_id, nexus_mod_id) DO UPDATE SET (name, author, category, description, updated_at) = (,, EXCLUDED.category, EXCLUDED.description, now()) RETURNING *", name, nexus_mod_id, author, category, description, game_id ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert mod") } async fn insert_file( pool: &sqlx::Pool, name: &str, file_name: &str, nexus_file_id: i32, mod_id: i32, category: Option<&str>, version: Option<&str>, mod_version: Option<&str>, uploaded_at: NaiveDateTime, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( File, "INSERT INTO files (name, file_name, nexus_file_id, mod_id, category, version, mod_version, uploaded_at, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (mod_id, nexus_file_id) DO UPDATE SET (name, file_name, category, version, mod_version, uploaded_at, updated_at) = (, EXCLUDED.file_name, EXCLUDED.category, EXCLUDED.version, EXCLUDED.mod_version, EXCLUDED.uploaded_at, now()) RETURNING *", name, file_name, nexus_file_id, mod_id, category, version, mod_version, uploaded_at ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert file") } async fn insert_plugin( pool: &sqlx::Pool, name: &str, hash: i64, file_id: i32, version: Option, author: Option<&str>, description: Option<&str>, masters: Option<&[String]>, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( Plugin, "INSERT INTO plugins (name, hash, file_id, version, author, description, masters, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (file_id, name) DO UPDATE SET (hash, version, author, description, masters, updated_at) = (EXCLUDED.hash, EXCLUDED.version,, EXCLUDED.description, EXCLUDED.masters, now()) RETURNING *", name, hash, file_id, version, author, description, masters ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert plugin") } async fn insert_cell( pool: &sqlx::Pool, form_id: i32, x: Option, y: Option, is_persistent: bool, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( Cell, "INSERT INTO cells (form_id, x, y, is_persistent, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (form_id) DO UPDATE SET (x, y, is_persistent, updated_at) = (EXCLUDED.x, EXCLUDED.y, EXCLUDED.is_persistent, now()) RETURNING *", form_id, x, y, is_persistent ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert cell") } async fn insert_plugin_cell( pool: &sqlx::Pool, plugin_id: i32, cell_id: i32, editor_id: Option, ) -> Result { sqlx::query_as!( PluginCell, "INSERT INTO plugin_cells (plugin_id, cell_id, editor_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, now(), now()) ON CONFLICT (plugin_id, cell_id) DO UPDATE SET (editor_id, updated_at) = (EXCLUDED.editor_id, now()) RETURNING *", plugin_id, cell_id, editor_id, ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .context("Failed to insert cell") } fn rate_limit_wait_duration(res: &Response) -> Result> { let daily_remaining = res .headers() .get("X-RL-Daily-Remaining") .expect("No daily limit in response headers"); let hourly_remaining = res .headers() .get("X-RL-Hourly-Remaining") .expect("No hourly limit in response headers"); let hourly_reset = res .headers() .get("X-RL-Hourly-Reset") .expect("No hourly reset in response headers"); dbg!(daily_remaining); dbg!(hourly_remaining); if hourly_remaining == "0" { let hourly_reset = hourly_reset.to_str()?.trim(); let hourly_reset: DateTime = (DateTime::parse_from_str(hourly_reset, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")? + Duration::seconds(5)) .into(); dbg!(hourly_reset); let duration = (hourly_reset - Utc::now()).to_std()?; dbg!(duration); return Ok(Some(duration)); } Ok(None) } #[tokio::main] pub async fn main() -> Result<()> { dotenv().ok(); let pool = PgPoolOptions::new() .max_connections(5) .connect(&env::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; let game = insert_game(&pool, GAME_NAME, GAME_ID as i32).await?; let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let mut page: i32 = 1; let mut last_page: i32 = 1; while page <= last_page { let res = client .get(format!( ",home:false,type:0,user_id:0,game_id:{},advfilt:true,include_adult:true,page_size:80,show_game_filter:false,open:false,page:{},sort_by:OLD_u_downloads", GAME_ID, page )) .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; let html = res.text().await?; let document = Html::parse_document(&html); let mod_select = Selector::parse("li.mod-tile").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let left_select = Selector::parse("div.mod-tile-left").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let right_select = Selector::parse("div.mod-tile-right").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let name_select = Selector::parse("p.tile-name a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let category_select = Selector::parse("div.category a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let author_select = Selector::parse(" a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let desc_select = Selector::parse("p.desc").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let last_page_select = Selector::parse("div.pagination li.extra a").expect("failed to parse CSS selector"); let last_page_elem = document .select(&last_page_select) .next() .expect("Missing last page link"); last_page = last_page_elem .text() .next() .expect("Missing last page text") .trim() .parse::() .ok() .expect("Failed to parse last page"); let mods = try_join_all(|element| { let left = element .select(&left_select) .next() .expect("Missing left div for mod"); let right = element .select(&right_select) .next() .expect("Missing right div for mod"); let nexus_mod_id = left .value() .attr("data-mod-id") .expect("Missing mod id attribute") .parse::() .ok() .expect("Failed to parse mod id"); let name_elem = right .select(&name_select) .next() .expect("Missing name link for mod"); let name = name_elem.text().next().expect("Missing name text for mod"); let category_elem = right .select(&category_select) .next() .expect("Missing category link for mod"); let category = category_elem .text() .next() .expect("Missing category text for mod"); let author_elem = right .select(&author_select) .next() .expect("Missing author link for mod"); let author = author_elem .text() .next() .expect("Missing author text for mod"); let desc_elem = right .select(&desc_select) .next() .expect("Missing desc elem for mod"); let desc = desc_elem.text().next(); insert_mod(&pool, name, nexus_mod_id, author, category, desc, })) .await?; for mod_obj in mods { dbg!(&mod_obj); let res = client .get(format!( "{}/mods/{}/files.json", GAME_NAME, mod_obj.nexus_mod_id )) .header("accept", "application/json") .header("apikey", env::var("NEXUS_API_KEY")?) .header("user-agent", USER_AGENT) .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; if let Some(duration) = rate_limit_wait_duration(&res)? { sleep(duration).await; } let files = res.json::().await?; let files = files .get("files") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing files key in API response"))? .as_array() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("files value in API response is not an array"))?; // TODO: download other files than just MAIN files let files = files.into_iter().filter(|file| { if let Some(category_name) = file.get("category_name") { category_name.as_str() == Some("MAIN") } else { false } }); for file in files { let file_id = file .get("file_id") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing file_id key in file in API response"))? .as_i64() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("file_id value in API response file is not a number"))?; dbg!(file_id); let name = file .get("name") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing name key in file in API response"))? .as_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("name value in API response file is not a string"))?; let file_name = file .get("file_name") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing file_name key in file in API response"))? .as_str() .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("file_name value in API response file is not a string") })?; let category = file .get("category_name") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing category key in file in API response"))? .as_str(); let version = file .get("version") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing version key in file in API response"))? .as_str(); let mod_version = file .get("mod_version") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing mod_version key in file in API response"))? .as_str(); let uploaded_timestamp = file .get("uploaded_timestamp") .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("Missing uploaded_timestamp key in file in API response") })? .as_i64() .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow!("uploaded_timestamp value in API response file is not a number") })?; let uploaded_at = NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(uploaded_timestamp, 0); let db_file = insert_file( &pool, name, file_name, file_id as i32,, category, version, mod_version, uploaded_at, ) .await?; let res = client .get(format!( "{}/mods/{}/files/{}/download_link.json", GAME_NAME, mod_obj.nexus_mod_id, file_id )) .header("accept", "application/json") .header("apikey", env::var("NEXUS_API_KEY")?) .header("user-agent", USER_AGENT) .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; let links = res.json::().await?; let link = links .get(0) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Links array in API response is missing first element"))? .get("URI") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Missing URI key in link in API response"))? .as_str() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("URI value in API response link is not a string"))?; let mut tokio_file = tokio::fs::File::from_std(tempfile()?); let res = client .get(link) .header("apikey", env::var("NEXUS_API_KEY")?) .header("user-agent", USER_AGENT) .send() .await? .error_for_status()?; let duration = rate_limit_wait_duration(&res)?; // See: let mut byte_stream = res .bytes_stream() .map_err(|e| futures::io::Error::new(futures::io::ErrorKind::Other, e)) .into_async_read() .compat(); tokio::io::copy(&mut byte_stream, &mut tokio_file).await?; // let bytes = res.bytes().await?; // let reader = std::io::Cursor::new(&bytes); let mut plugin_archive = ZipWriter::new( OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create(true) .open("")?, ); plugin_archive.add_directory( format!("{}/{}/{}", GAME_NAME, mod_obj.nexus_mod_id, file_id), FileOptions::default(), )?; plugin_archive.finish()?; let mut plugin_archive = ZipWriter::new_append( OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(true) .open("")?, )?; let mut initial_bytes = [0; 8];; tokio_file.read_exact(&mut initial_bytes).await?; let kind = infer::get(&initial_bytes).expect("unknown file type of file download"); match kind.mime_type() { // "application/zip" => { // let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(reader)?; // let mut plugin_file_paths = Vec::new(); // for file_name in archive.file_names() { // dbg!(file_name); // if file_name.ends_with(".esp") // || file_name.ends_with(".esm") // || file_name.ends_with(".esl") // { // plugin_file_paths.push(file_name.to_string()); // } // } // dbg!(&plugin_file_paths); // for file_name in plugin_file_paths.iter() { // let mut file = archive.by_name(file_name)?; // let plugin = parse_plugin(file)?; // dbg!(plugin); // plugin_archive.start_file( // format!("{}/{}/{}/{}", GAME_NAME, mod_id, file_id, file_name), // FileOptions::default(), // )?; // std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut plugin_archive)?; // } // } _ => {; let mut file = tokio_file.into_std().await; let mut plugin_file_paths = Vec::new(); for file_name in list_archive_files(&file)? { if file_name.ends_with(".esp") || file_name.ends_with(".esm") || file_name.ends_with(".esl") { plugin_file_paths.push(file_name); } } for file_name in plugin_file_paths.iter() {; dbg!(file_name); let mut buf = Vec::default(); uncompress_archive_file(&mut file, &mut buf, file_name)?; let plugin = parse_plugin(&buf)?; let hash = seahash::hash(&buf); let plugin_row = insert_plugin( &pool, name, hash as i64,, Some(plugin.header.version as f64),, plugin.header.description, Some( &plugin .header .masters .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect::>(), ), ) .await?; for cell in plugin.cells { let cell_row = insert_cell( &pool, cell.form_id.try_into().unwrap(), cell.x, cell.y, cell.is_persistent, ) .await?; insert_plugin_cell( &pool,,, cell.editor_id, ) .await?; } plugin_archive.start_file( format!( "{}/{}/{}/{}", GAME_NAME, mod_obj.nexus_mod_id, file_id, file_name ), FileOptions::default(), )?; std::io::copy(&mut buf.as_slice(), &mut plugin_archive)?; } } }; plugin_archive.finish()?; if let Some(duration) = duration { sleep(duration).await; } } } page += 1; } Ok(()) }