import codecs import nltk import random import re import string #import pickle import csv import inflect from count_syllables import count_syllables #from get_titles import read_titles #from nltk.corpus import cmudict #from stat_parser import Parser class PoemGenerator(): def __init__(self): #self.corpus = 'melville-moby_dick.txt' #self.corpus = read_titles() #self.sents = corpus.sents(self.corpus) #self.words = corpus.words(self.corpus) #self.bigrams = list(nltk.bigrams(self.corpus)) self.only_punctuation = re.compile(r'[^\w\s]+$') self.spaces_and_punctuation = re.compile(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]") #self.all_words = [bigram[0] for bigram in self.bigrams #if not self.only_punctuation.match(bigram[0])] = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(self.bigrams) #cfds_file = 'cfds.p' #with open(cfds_file, 'rb') as cfds_file: #self.cfds = pickle.load(cfds_file) = self.cfds[0] #self.all_words = list( self.sents = [] self.words = [] self.all_words = [] self.inflect_engine = inflect.engine() # with open('/var/www/buzzfeed-haiku-generator/buzzfeed_facebook_statuses.csv', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as statuses: # reader = csv.reader(statuses, delimiter=',') # for row in reader: # if 'via buzzfeed ' not in row[1].lower(): # only English # # split title into a list of words and punctuation # title = self.spaces_and_punctuation.findall(row[2]) # # spell out digits into ordinal words for syllable counting # title = [string.capwords( # self.inflect_engine.number_to_words(int(word))) # if word.isdigit() else word for word in title] # self.sents.append(title) # self.words.extend(title) # # all_words only contains words, no punctuation # self.all_words.extend([word for word in title # if not # self.only_punctuation.match(word)]) with'trump.txt', 'r', 'utf-8') as corpus: text = sents = nltk.tokenize.sent_tokenize(text) words = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(text) self.sents.extend(sents) self.words.extend(words) self.all_words.extend([word for word in words if not self.only_punctuation.match(word)]) self.bigrams = list(nltk.bigrams(self.words)) = nltk.ConditionalFreqDist(self.bigrams) #self.parser = Parser() self.history = [] def markov(self, word, n): if n > 0: print(word,) n = n - 1 self.markov(random.choice([word].items())[0], n) else: print('') def generate_text(self): #sent = random.choice(self.sents) #parsed = self.parser.parse(' '.join(sent)) word = random.choice(self.bigrams)[0] self.markov(word, 15) def haiku_line(self, line, current_syllables, next_words, target_syllables): if next_words == []: # this branch failed return None else: word = random.choice(next_words) new_line = line[:] new_line.append(word) new_syllables = sum(map(count_syllables, new_line)) if new_syllables == target_syllables: return new_line elif new_syllables > target_syllables: new_next_words = next_words[:] new_next_words.remove(word) return self.haiku_line(line, current_syllables, new_next_words, target_syllables) else: new_next_words = [freq[0] for freq in[word].items() if not self.only_punctuation.match(freq[0])] branch = self.haiku_line(new_line, new_syllables, new_next_words, target_syllables) if branch: return branch else: new_next_words = next_words[:] new_next_words.remove(word) return self.haiku_line(line, current_syllables, new_next_words, target_syllables) def generate_haiku(self): haiku = '' first = self.haiku_line([], 0, self.all_words, 5) haiku = haiku + ' '.join(first) + '\n' next_words = [freq[0] for freq in[first[-1]].items() if not self.only_punctuation.match(freq[0])] if not next_words: next_words = self.all_words second = self.haiku_line([], 0, next_words, 7) haiku = haiku + ' '.join(second) + '\n' next_words = [freq[0] for freq in[second[-1]].items() if not self.only_punctuation.match(freq[0])] if not next_words: next_words = self.all_words third = self.haiku_line([], 0, next_words, 5) haiku = haiku + ' '.join(third) + '\n' return haiku def generate_endless_poem(self, previous_line): random_syllables = random.choice(range(1, 26)) if previous_line is None: next = self.haiku_line([], 0, self.all_words, random_syllables) print(' '.join(next)) else: next_words = [freq[0] for freq in[previous_line[-1]].items() if not self.only_punctuation.match(freq[0])] next = self.haiku_line([], 0, next_words, random_syllables) print(' '.join(next)) self.generate_endless_poem(next) if __name__ == '__main__': generator = PoemGenerator() #generator.generate_poem() haiku = generator.generate_haiku() print haiku #generator.generate_endless_poem(None)