# Hexsphere Generator Eventually, this will be a full-blown planet generator. But, for now, this is a hexsphere generator. This shape is also known as a [Goldberg polyhedron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldberg_polyhedron) or a [truncated icosahedron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncated_icosahedron). It is made from generating a [icosahedron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosahedron) which is split N times for a detail level of N. The [dual polyhedron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_polyhedron) of that shape is calculated which results in the hexsphere. In its smallest form (detail level of 0), it has 12 pentagon faces. As the detail level increases, it gains more hexagon faces and becomes more spherical in shape. Detail level 0: ![detail 0](img/detail-0.png) Detail level 8: ![detail 8](img/detail-8.png)