Things I still need to do: * Make it installable. - It might be easier to replace the python part with node then distribute as something you can `npm install -g` * Read-line input. I should be able to up-arrow to get my last search. * Settings file or panel for configuring colors and keys. * Question mark should open keyboard shortcut info. * Autocomplete? Maybe too much. * Add duckduckgo instant results to the top of the results list. * Look into blessed-contrib and the rest of the blessed widgets to see if there's anything else I could add/improve. DONE * Figure out why there is no visible cursor in w3m when result is opened. - Screen.spawn() should be showing the cursor but it's not. Tmux issue? * Better padding so search can be used in very small terminal windows. - The search input scrolls when text reaches half the width... - Is a modal the best option for the search form? * Search result caching. * Return to search form from results list. * Add numbers to the result list and allow pressing the number to open result. * Add descriptions and possibly the url or domain part of the url to each item in the list. - I might need to use something other than the blessed list to accomplish this... * Find more universal default color scheme.