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title: "Modmapper: Putting every Skyrim mod on a map with Rust"
layout: post
image: /img/blog/modmapper.jpg
hidden: true
[Modmapper]( is a website that I made that puts every mod
for the game [Elder Scrolls V:
Skyrim]( uploaded to
[Nexus Mods]( on an interactive map.
<a href="" target="_blank">
![Screenshot of](/img/blog/modmapper.jpg)
You can view the map at [](
Released in 2011, Skyrim is over a decade old now. But, its vast modding
community has kept it alive and relevant to this day. [Skyrim is still in the
top 50 games being played on Steam in 2022]( and
I think it's no coincidence that [it's also one of the most modded games
The enormous and enduring modding community around the Elder Scrolls games is
why I have a special fondness for the series. I was 13 when I first got
interested in programming through [making mods for Elder Scrolls IV:
Oblivion]( I quickly
realized I got way more satisfaction out of modding the game than actually
playing it. I was addicted to being able to create whatever my mind imagined in
my favorite game.
I was working on mod for Skyrim earlier in the year[^bazaarrealm] and was
looking for the best places to put new buildings in the game world. I really
wanted areas of the game world off the beaten (heavily-modded) path. After over
a decade of modifications, there could be conflicts with hundreds of mods in any
area I chose which could cause issues like multiple buildings overlapping or
terrain changes causing floating rocks and trees.
<div class="row">
<img alt="Example of a conflict between two mods that both chose the
same spot to put a lamp post and sign post so they are clipping"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-clipping-example2.jpg" />
Example of a conflict between two mods that both chose the same
spot to put a lamp post and sign post so they are clipping.
Screenshot by <a
<img alt="Example of a conflict between two mods that both chose the
same spot to put a building and rock so they are clipping"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-clipping-example1.jpg" />
Conflict between a building and rock. Screenshot by <a
<img alt="Example of a conflict between two mods that both chose the
same spot to put a building and tree so they are clipping"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-clipping-example3.jpg" />
Conflict between a building and a tree. Screenshot by <a
<img alt="Example of a conflict between two mods that both chose the
same spot to put a woodcutting mill"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-clipping-example4.jpg" />
Conflict between two woodcutting mills. Screenshot by <a
Mod authors usually use a tool like
[TES5Edit]( to analyze a group of
mod plugins to find conflicts and create patches to resolve them on a
case-by-case basis. But, I was unsatisfied with that. I wanted to be assured
that there would be no conflicts, or at least know the set of all possible mods
out there that could conflict so I could manually patch those few mods. There
was no good solution for finding conflicts across all mods though. Mod authors
would need to download every Skyrim mod ever and no one has time to download all
85,000+ Skyrim mods, and no one has the computer memory to load all of those in
TES5Edit at the same time.
Through that frustration, Modmapper was born with the mission to create a
database of all Skyrim mod exterior cell edits. With that database I can power
the website which visualizes how popular cells are in aggregate as well as allow
the user to drill down to individual cells, mods, or plugins to find potential
conflicts without ever having to download files themselves.
When I [released the website about 7 months
it made a big splash in the Skyrim modding community. No one had ever visualized
mods on a map like this before, and it gave everyone a new perspective on the
vast library of Skyrim mods. It was even [featured on the front page of PC
Thirteen-year-old me, who regularly read the monthly PC Gamer magazine, would
have been astounded.
![Screenshot of PC Gamer article titled "Skyrim Modmapper is a weirdly
beautiful way to manage your mods" by Robert Zak published April 20,
The comments posted to the initial mod I posted on Nexus Mods[^takedown] for the
project were very amusing. It seemed to be blowing their minds:
> "Quite possibly this could be the best mod for
Skyrim. This hands-down makes everyone's life easier to be able to see which of
their mods might be conflicting." -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> "The 8th wonder of Skyrim. That's a Titan's work requiring a monk's
> perserverance. Finally, a place to go check (in)compatibilities !!! Voted.
> Endorsed." -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> jfjb2005](/img/blog/modmapper-comment3.png)
> "They shall sing songs of your greatness! Wow, just wow." -- [Nexus Mods
> comment by
> "Holy Batman Tits! Be honest..... You're a Govt Agent and made this mod during
> your "Terrorist Watch Shift" using a CIA super computer.." -- [Nexus Mods
comment by toddrizzle](/img/blog/modmapper-comment1.png)
> "What drugs are you on and can I have some?" -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> thappysnek](/img/blog/modmapper-comment11.png)
> "This is madness! Author are some kind of overhuman?! GREAT work!"-- [Nexus
> Mods comment by TeodorWild](/img/blog/modmapper-comment10.png)
> "You are an absolute legend. Bards will sing tales of your exploits" -- [Nexus
> Mods comment by burntwater](/img/blog/modmapper-comment2.png)
> "I wanted to say something, but I'll just kneel before thee and worship. This
> would have taken me a lifetime. Amazing." -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> BlueGunk](/img/blog/modmapper-comment8.png)
> "Finally found the real dragonborn" -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> yag1z](/img/blog/modmapper-comment6.png)
> "he is the messiah!" -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> Cursedobjects](/img/blog/modmapper-comment12.png)
> "A god amongst men." -- [Nexus Mods comment by
> TheMotherRobbit](/img/blog/modmapper-comment13.png)
Apparently knowing how to program is now a god-like ability! This is the type of
feedback most programmers aspire to get from their users. I knew the tool was
neat and fun to build, but I didn't realize it was *that* sorely needed by the
Today, Modmapper has a sustained user-base of around 7.5k unique visitors a
month[^analytics] and I still see it mentioned in reddit threads or discord
servers whenever someone is asking about the places a mod edits or what mods
might be conflicting in a particular cell.
The rest of this blog post will delve into how I built the website and how I
gathered all of the data necessary to display the visualization.
### Downloading ALL THE MODS!
![Meme with the title "DOWNLOAD ALL THE MODS!"](/img/blog/allthemods.jpg)
In order for the project to work I needed to collect all the Skyrim mod plugin
While there are a number of places people upload Skyrim mods, [Nexus
Mods]( is conveniently the most popular and has the vast
majority of mods. So, I would only need to deal with this one source. Luckily,
[they have a nice API
[modmapper]( is the project I created to
do this. It is a Rust binary that:
* Uses [reqwest]( to make requests to [Nexus
Mods]( for pages of last updated mods.
* Uses [scraper]( to scrape the HTML for
individual mod metadata (since the Nexus API doesn't provide an endpoint to
list mods).
* Makes requests to the Nexus Mods API to get file and download information for
each mod, using [serde]( to parse the
[JSON]( responses.
* Requests the content preview data for each file and walks through the list of
files in the archive looking for a Skyrim plugin file (`.esp`, `.esm`, or
* If it finds a plugin, it decides to download the mod. It hits the download API
to get a download link and downloads the mod file archive.
* Then it extracts the archive using one of:
[unrar](, or [7zip]( via
(depending on what type of archive it is).
* With the ESP files (Elder Scrolls Plugin files) extracted, I then use my
[skyrim-cell-dump]( library (more
on that later!) to extract all of the cell edits into structured data.
* Uses [seahash]( to create a fast unique hash
for plugin files.
* It then saves all of this data to a [postgres](
database using the [sqlx crate](
* Uses extensive logging with the [tracing
crate]( so I can monitor the output and have
a history of a run to debug later if I discover an issue.
It is designed to be run as a nightly [cron](
job which downloads mods that have updated on Nexus Mods since the last run.
To keep costs for this project low, I decided to make the website entirely
static. So, instead of creating an API server that would have to be constantly
running to serve requests from the website by making queries directly to the
database, I would dump all of the data that the website needed from the database
to JSON files, then upload those files to [Amazon
S3]( and serve them through the [Cloudflare
CDN]( which has servers all over the world.
So, for example, every mod in the database has a JSON file uploaded to
`<nexus_mod_id>.json` and the
website frontend will fetch that file when a user clicks a link to that mod in
the UI.
The cost for S3 is pretty reasonable to me ($~3.5/month), and Cloudflare has a
[generous free tier]( that allows
me to host everything through it for free.
The server that I actually run `modmapper` on to download all of the mods is a
server I already have at home that I also use for other purposes. The output of
each run is uploaded to S3, and I also make a full backup of the database and
plugin files to [Dropbox](
A lot of people thought it was insane that I downloaded every mod[^adult-mods],
but in reality it wasn't too bad once I got all the issues resolved in
`modmapper`. I just let it run in the background all day and it would chug
through the list of mods one-by-one. Most of the time ended up being spent
waiting while the Nexus Mod's API hourly rate limit was reached on my
As a result of this project I believe I now have the most complete set of all
Skyrim plugins to date (extracted plugins only without other textures, models,
etc.)[^plugin-collection]. Compressed, it totals around 99 GB, uncompressed: 191
[After I downloaded Skyrim Classic mods in addition to Skyrim Special
Edition](#finishing-the-collection-by-adding-all-skyrim-classic-mods), here are
some counts from the database:
| **Mods** | 113,028 |
| **Files** | 330,487 |
| **Plugins** | 534,831 |
| **Plugin Cell Edits** | 33,464,556 |
### Parsing Skyrim plugin files
The Skyrim game engine has a concept of
[worldspaces]( which are exterior
areas where the player can travel to. The biggest of these being, of course,
Skyrim itself (which, in the lore, is a province of the continent of
[Tamriel]( on the planet
[Nirn]( Worldspaces are recorded in a
plugin file as [WRLD
Worldspaces are then chunked up into a square grid of cells. The Skyrim
worldspace consists of a little over 11,000 square cells. Mods that make a
changes to the game world have a record in the plugin (a [CELL
record]( with the
cell's X and Y coordinates and a list changes in that cell.
There is some prior art ([esplugin](,
[zedit]( of open-source programs that could
parse Skyrim plugins and extract this data. However, all of these were too broad
for my purpose or relied on the assumption of being run in the context of a load
order where the master files of a plugin would also be available. I wanted a
program that could take a single plugin in isolation and skip through all of the
non-relevant parts of it and dump just the CELL and WRLD record data plus some
metadata about the plugin from the header as fast as possible.
After discovering [the wonderful documentation on the UESP wiki about the Skyrim
mod file format](, I
realized this would be something that would be possible to make myself.
[skyrim-cell-dump]( is a Rust
library/CLI program that accepts a Skyrim mod file and spits out the header
metadata of the plugin, the worlds edited/created, and all of the cells it
Under the hood, it uses the [nom crate]( to read
through the plugin until it finds the relevant records, then uses
[flate2]( to decompress any compressed record
data, and finally outputs the extracted data formatted to JSON with
Overall, I was pretty happy with this toolkit of tools and was able to quickly
get the data I needed from plugins. My only gripe was that I never quite figured
out how to properly do error handling with nom. If there was ever an error, I
didn't get much data in the error about what failed besides what function it
failed in. I often had to resort to peppering in a dozen `dbg!()` statements to
figure out what went wrong.
I built it as both a library and binary crate so that I could import it in other
libraries and get the extracted data directly as Rust structs without needing to
go through JSON. I'll go more into why this was useful later.
### Building the website
Since I wanted to keep server costs low and wanted the site to be as fast as
possible for users, I decided pretty early on that the site would be purely
static HTML and JavaScript with no backend server. I decided to use the [Next.js
web framework]( with
[TypeScript]( since it was what I was familiar
with using in my day job. While it does have [server-side rendering
which would require running a backend [Node.js]( server,
it also supports a limited feature-set that can be [exported as static
I host the site on [Cloudflare pages]( which is
available on their free tier and made deploying from Github commits a
breeze[^cloudflare]. The web code is in my [modmapper-web
The most prominent feature of the website is the interactive satellite map of
Skyrim. Two essential resources made this map possible: [the map tile images
from the UESP skyrim map]( and
[Mapbox provides a JS library for its WebGL
map]( which allows specifying a
[raster tile
The [UESP team painstakingly loaded every cell in the Skyrim worldspace in the
Creation Kit and took a
screenshot]( Once I figured
out which image tiles mapped to which in-game cell it was relatively easy to put
a map together by plugging them into the Mapbox map as a raster tile source.
The heatmap overlaid on the map is created using a [Mapbox
layer]( that fills a cell with a
color on a gradient from green to red depending on how many edits that cell has
across the whole database of mods.
![Screenshot closeup of displaying a grid of colored cells from
green to red overlaid atop a satellite map of
The sidebar on the site is created using [React]( and
[Redux]( and uses the
[next/router]( to keep track
of which page the user is on with URL parameters.
<div class="row">
<img alt="Screenshot of sidebar with a cell selected"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-cell-sidebar.jpg" class="half-left" />
<img alt="Screenshot of sidebar with a mod selected"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-mod-sidebar.jpg" class="half-right" />
The mod search is implemented using
[MiniSearch]( that asynchronously loads
the giant search indices for each game containing every mod name and id.
![Screenshot of with "trees" entered into the search bar with a
number of LE and SE mod results listed underneath in a
One of the newest features of the site allows users to drill down to a
particular plugin within a file of a mod and "Add" it to their list. All of the
added plugins will be listed in the sidebar and the cells they edit displayed in
purple outlines and conflicts between them displayed in red outlines.
![Screenshot of with 4 Added Plugins and the map covered in purple
and red boxes](/img/blog/modmapper-added-plugins.jpg)
### Loading plugins client-side with WebAssembly
A feature that many users requested after the initial release was being able to
load a list of the mods currently installed on their game and see which ones of
that set conflict with each other[^second-announcement]. Implementing this
feature was one of the most interesting parts of the project. Choosing to use
Rust made made it possible, since everything I was running server-side to
extract the plugin data could also be done client-side in the browser with the
same Rust code compiled to [WebAssembly](
I used [wasm-pack]( to create
which exported the `parse_plugin` function from my
[skyrim-cell-dump]( Rust library
compiled to WebAssembly. It also exports a `hash_plugin` function that creates a
unique hash for a plugin file's slice of bytes using
[seahash]( so the site can link plugins a user
has downloaded on their hard-drive to plugins that have been downloaded by
modmapper and saved in the database.
Dragging-and-dropping the Skyrim Data folder on to the webpage or selecting the
folder in the "Open Skyrim Data directory" dialog kicks off a process that
starts parsing all of the plugin files in that directory in parallel using [Web
I developed my own
that manages creating a pool of available workers and assigns them to plugins to
process. The pool size is the number of cores on the user's device so that the
site can process as many plugins in parallel as possible. After a plugin
finishes processing a plugin and sends the output to the redux store, it gets
added back to the pool and is then assigned a new plugin to process if there are
Once all plugins have been loaded, the map updates by displaying all of the
cells edited in a purple box and any cells that are edited by more than one
plugin in a red box.
![Screenshot of with 74 Loaded Plugins and the map filled with
purple and red boxes](/img/blog/modmapper-loaded-plugins.jpg)
Users can also drag-and-drop or paste their `plugins.txt` file, which is the
file that the game uses to define the load order of plugins and which plugins
are enabled or disabled. Adding the `plugins.txt` sorts the list of loaded
plugins in the sidebar in load order and enables or disables plugins as defined
in the `plugins.txt`.
![Screenshot of with the Paste plugins.txt dialog
Selecting a cell in the map will display all of the loaded cells that edit that
cell in the sidebar.
![Screenshot of with a conflicted cell selected on the map and 4
Loaded Plugins displayed](/img/blog/modmapper-conflicted-cell.jpg)
The ability to load plugins straight from a user's hard-drive allows users to
map mods that haven't even been uploaded to Nexus Mods.
### Vortex integration
The initial mod I released on the Skyrim Special Edition page of Nexus Mods was
by the site admins since it didn't contain an actual mod and they didn't agree
that it qualified as a "Utility".
Determined to have an actual mod page for Modmapper on Nexus Mods, I decided to
make a [Vortex]( integration for
modmapper. Vortex is a mod manager made by the developers of Nexus Mods and they
allow creating extensions to the tool and have their own [mod section for Vortex
With the help of [Pickysaurus](,
one of the community managers for Nexus Mods, I created a [Vortex integration
for Modmapper]( It adds a context menu
option on mods to view the mod in Modmapper with all of the cells it edits
selected in purple. It also adds a button next to every plugin file to view just
that plugin in Modmapper (assuming it has been processed by Modmapper).
<div class="row">
<img alt="Screenshot of Vortex mod list with a mod context menu open which
shows a 'See on Modmapper' option"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-vortex-mod-menu.jpg" class="half-left" />
<img alt="Screenshot of Vortex plugin list with 'See on Modmapper' buttons
on the right of each plugin row"
src="/img/blog/modmapper-vortex-plugin-button.jpg" class="half-right" />
To enable the latter part, I had to include `skyrim-cell-dump-wasm` in the
extension so that I could hash the plugin contents with `seahash` to get the
same hash that Modmapper would have generated. It only does this hashing when
you click the "See on Modmapper" button to save from excessive CPU usage when
viewing the plugin list.
After releasing the Vortex plugin, Pickysaurus [published a news article about
modmapper to the Skyrim Special Edition
site]( which also got
a lot of nice comments ❤️.
### Finishing the collection by adding all Skyrim Classic mods
Skyrim is very silly in that it has [many
But there was only one that split the modding universe into two: [Skyrim Special
Edition (SE)](
It was released in October 2016 with a revamped game engine that brought some
sorely needed graphical upgrades. However, it also contained changes to how mods
worked, requiring all mod authors to convert their mods to SE. This created big
chasm in the library of mods, and Nexus Mods had to make a separate section for
SE-only mods.
When I started downloading mods in 2021, I started only with Skyrim SE mods,
which, at the time of writing, totals at over [55,000 mods on Nexus
After releasing with just SE mods, many users requested that all of the classic
pre-SE Skyrim mods be added as well. This month, I finally finished downloading
all Skyrim Classic mods, which, at the time of writing, totals at over [68,000
mods on Nexus Mods]( That brings the
total downloaded and processed mods for Modmapper at over 113,000
### The future
A lot of users had great feedback and suggestions on what to add to the site. I
could only implement so many of them, though. The rest I've been keeping track
of on [this Trello board](
Some of the headline items on it are:
* Add [Solstheim map](
Since map tiles images are available for that worldspace and because I have
already recorded edits to the worldspace in my database, it shouldn't be too
terribly difficult.
* Add [Mod Organizer 2]( plugin
Lots of people requested this since it's a very popular mod manager compared
to Vortex. MO2 supports python extensions so I created
[skyrim-cell-dump-py]( to
export the Rust plugin processing code to a Python library. I got a bit stuck
on actually creating the plugin though, so it might be a while until I get to
* Find a way to display interior cell edits on the map
The map is currently missing edits to interior cells. Since almost all
interior cells in Skyrim have a link to the exterior world through a door
teleporter, it should be possible to map an interior cell edit to an exterior
cell on the map based on which cell the door leads out to.
That will require digging much more into the plugin files for more data, and
city worldspaces will complicate things further. Then there's the question of
interiors with multiple doors to different exterior cells, or interior cells
nested recursively deep within many other interior cells.
* Create a standalone [Electron]( app that can run
outside the browser
I think this would solve a lot of the issues I ran into while developing the
website. Since Electron has a Node.js process running on the user's computer
outside the sandboxed browser process, it gives me much more flexibility. It
could do things like automatically load a user's plugin files. Or just load
plugins at all wihtout having to deal with the annoying dialog that lies to
the user saying they're about to upload their entire Data folder hundreds of
gigabytes full of files to a server (I really wish the
API would use the same underlying code as the [HTML Drag and Drop
which is a lot better).
* Improving the search
The mod search feature struggles the most with the static generated nature of
the site. I found it very hard to pack all of the necessary info for the
search index for all 100k+ mods (index for both SE and LE is around 6 MB).
Asynchronously loading the indices with MiniSearch keeps it from freezing up
the browser, but it does take a very long time to fully load. I can't help
think that there's a better way to shard the indices somehow and only fetch
what I need based on what the user is typing into the search.
To be clear, a lot of the Todos on the board are pipe-dreams. I may never get to
them. This project is sustained purely by my motivation and self-interests and
if something is too much of a pain to get working I'll just drop it.
There will also be future Elder Scrolls games, and [future Bethesda games based
on roughly the same game engine]( It
would be neat to create similar database for those games as the modding
community develops in realtime.
Overall, I'm glad I made something of use to the modding community. I hope to
keep the site running for as long as people are modding Skyrim (until the
heat-death of the universe, probably).
#### Footnotes
Unfortunately, I basically lost interest on the mod after working on
Modmapper. I might still write a blog post about it eventually since I did a
lot of interesting hacking on the Skyrim game engine to try to add some
asynchronous multiplayer aspects. [Project is here if anyone is curious in
the meantime](
I sadly only have screenshots for some of the comments on that mod since it
was eventually taken down by the Nexus Mod admins. See explanation about
that in the [Vortex integration section](#vortex-integration).
As recorded by Cloudflare's server side analytics, which may record a fair
amount of bot traffic. I suspect this is the most accurate number I can get
since most of my users probably use an ad blocker that blocks client-side
Every mod on Nexus Mods except for adult mods since the site restricts
viewing adult mods to only logged-in users and I wasn't able to get my
scraping bot to log in as a user.
Apparently my mass-downloading did not go unnoticed by the Nexus Mod admins.
I think it's technically against their terms of service to automatically
download mods, but I somehow got on their good side and was spared the
ban-hammer. I don't recommend anyone else run modmapper themselves on the
entire site unless you talk to the admins beforehand and get the okay from
If you would like access to this dataset of plugins to do some data-mining
please reach out to me at [](
(Note: only contains plugins files, no models, textures, audio, etc.). I
don't plan on releasing it publicly since that would surely go against many
mod authors' wishes/licenses.
I'm not sure I want to recommend anyone else use Cloudflare after [the whole
Kiwi Farms
I now regret having invested so much of the infrastructure in them. However,
I'm only using their free-tier, so at least I am a net-negative for their
business? I would recommend others look into
[Netlify]( or [fastly]( for
similar offerings to Cloudflare pages/CDN.
I also tried to add a [raster Terrain-DEM
for rendering the terrain in 3D. I got fairly far [generating my own DEM RGB
tiles]( from an upscaled [greyscale
heightmap]( [constructed from the LAND
records in Skyrim.esm]( (view it
But, it came out all wrong: [giant cliffs in the middle of the
map](/img/blog/modmapper-terrain-cliff.jpg) and [tiny spiky lumps with big
jumps in elevation at cell boundaries](/img/blog/modmapper-bad-terrain.jpg).
Seemed like too much work to get right than it was worth it.
[This was the announcement I posted to /r/skyrimmods for this feature](
At first, I noticed a strange issue with re-using the same worker on
different plugins multiple times. After a while (~30 reuses per worker), the
processing would slow to a crawl and eventually strange things started
happening (I was listening to music in my browser and it started to pop and
crack). It seemed like the speed of processing increased exponentially to
the number of times the worker was reused. So, to avoid this, I had to make
the worker pool terminate and recreate workers after every plugin processed.
This ended up not being as slow as it sounds and worked fine. However, I
recently discovered that [wee_alloc, the most suggested allocator to use
with rust in wasm, has a memory leak and is mostly unmaintained
I switched to the default allocator and I didn't run into the exponentially
slow re-use problem. For some reason, the first run on a fresh tab is always
much faster than the second run, but subsequent runs are still fairly stable
in processing time.