diff --git a/_posts/2013-04-02-blog-or-not-blog.md b/_posts/2013-04-02-blog-or-not-blog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8936a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-04-02-blog-or-not-blog.md
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+title: To Blog or Not to Blog
+layout: post
+The original intention of this blog was to serve as a place where I could
+showcase the programming work I have done and detail my process. However, as
+you can tell, there hasn't been any posts since my first ["Hello,
+World!"](/blog/hello-world/) post. Sure, I've been working on projects, but I
+just haven't gotten to the point in any of those projects where I felt like I
+could blog in detail about it.
+Then I watched this great talk that [Brian
+Jones](http://pyvideo.org/speaker/352/brian-k-jones) gave at
+[PyCon](http://pycon.org) that my friend, [Daniel Bond](http://dbond.cc/),
+pointed out to me:
+One point that he makes that really resonates with me is how I should write
+even if I feel like I don't know what I'm talking about. The reluctance to show
+my inexperience is essentially the reason this blog sat stale for so many
+months after its inception.
+I have decided I will take Brian's words to heart, and start blogging just for
+the sake of writing. Henceforth, I will no longer hesitate to chronicle my
+journey through programming, writing, and any other quest which may take a hold
+of me as I continue to improve and broaden my skills. I'll be wrong, I'll ask
+questions, and I may frankly look like a blundering idiot at times; but, I only
+ask that you just bear with me and understand that I'm new at all this still,
+and I appreciate any constructive criticism that anyone has for me.
+Let's see how far I can go.
diff --git a/_posts/2013-04-09-visualizing-laundry-usage.md b/_posts/2013-04-09-visualizing-laundry-usage.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e8c657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-04-09-visualizing-laundry-usage.md
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+title: Visualizing Laundry Usage
+layout: post
+George Mason University uses a system called
+[eSuds](http://www.usatech.com/esuds/) to control the laundry machine
+transactions in the dorms. What makes eSuds really cool though, is that it
+keeps track of the status of every machine and displays it on a
+[website](http://gmu.esuds.net/) so students can check how full the machines
+are before making the trek down to the laundry rooms. The system emails each
+student when their laundry is finished as well.
+The only problem is that their user interface is pretty atrocious. I wrote up a
+[usability analysis](https://gist.github.com/thallada/5351114) of the site for
+my *SWE 205: Software Usability Analysis and Design* class, but most people
+agree it's a pretty painful interface to use ([just see for
+yourself](http://gmu.esuds.net/)). The thing is, most of the information that's
+on the website could be reduced to a few charts. I'm a big fan of simplifying
+data, so I thought: why not?
+I decided to create the visualizations with [pygal](http://pygal.org/), because
+the charts it spits out are absolutely gorgeous and well... it's in python,
+which made it easy for me to dive right in. I'll probably try out
+[d3js](http://d3js.org/) for my next visualization project though, it looks a
+whole lot more advanced.
+###Current laundry usage charts###
+I created an [app](/laundry) in [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) to
+display current laundry machine usage charts for all of the laundry rooms on
+George Mason's campus. All of the data is scraped from the eSuds site using
+[Beautiful Soup](http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/) and updated
+every time you refresh the page.
+The site will save which laundry room you select so when you come back you will
+immediately see the chart for your laundry room.
+You can see the code for this on my
+[GitHub](https://github.com/thallada/personalsite/) (look in the "laundry"
+The point was to make this as dead simple and easy to use as possible. Do you
+think I succeeded?
+###Weekly laundry usage chart###
+Knowing the *current* laundry machine usage is nice for saving a wasted trip
+down to the laundry room, but what if you wanted to plan ahead and do your
+laundry when you know other people are less likely to do laundry? That's why I
+recorded the laundry usage with a [cronjob](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron)
+every 15 minutes for an entire week: to get an idea of when there is a high
+probability of open machines.