================== This is the latest version of my personal website. It is a static website built with [Jekyll]( See it at []( ## Magic Most of the development work of this website went into creating what I like to call "magic", or the dynamic background to my homepage. A few seconds after loading the page, a branching web of colored tendrils will grow in a random position on the page, followed soon after by other "spells" sprouting in random locations across the background. Clicking on the background will also initiate a starting point for a new spell to appear. It is meant to represent the imaginative and infinite wonders of programming as described eloquently by Fred Brooks in one of my favorite quotes from him in his book *The Mythical Man-Month*, which is featured on the page. A canvas element spans the entire background and [my script](js/magic.js) leverages [AnimationFrame]( to animate the construction of procedurally generated trees of [B-splines]( for a random range of time. I adapted a large portion of the code from Maissian's [tutorial on simulating vines](, making it more random, colorful, and more CPU efficient. It was really fun to tweak various variables in the script and see how the animation reacted. It didn't take much tweaking to get the lines to appear like lightning flashing in the distant background, or like cracks splitting the screen, or like growing forest of sprouting trees. You can play around with these variables yourself on the [/magic page]( which has sliders for tweaking the animations in realtime. ## Layout & CSS I use a [grid system devised by Adam Kaplan]( and with some pieces from [Jorden Lev]( It is set-up by scratch in my `main.css`. I decided on this so that I would not have to load a huge framework like Bootstrap since I would only be using the grid system out of it. As an introduction to this system: Wrap everything in a div element with the `container` class. ```html
``` To create rows add div elements with the `row` and `clearfix` classes. ```html
``` To create columns add div elements with the `column` class. Then add a class to describe the width of the column with respect to the container. The possible widths are: CSS class name | width percentage --------------- | ---------------- `full` | 100% `two-thirds` | 66.7% `half` | 50% `third` | 33.3% `fourth` | 25% `three-fourths` | 75% These are purely for convienence. A more precise width can be specified in the CSS if desired with the `width` attribute. ```html
``` Columns stack up right to left. To force a column out of order all the way to the right use the `flow-opposite` class on the column (but remain first on smaller screens). ```html
``` To hide an element on mobile phones add the class `hide-mobile`. To hide on desktop, use `hide-desktop` instead. ```html
``` I had an issue with displaying elements on desktop that had the class "hide-mobile", so you can add the following classes to make sure they redisplay in the right display type correctly: * `hide-mobile-block` * `hide-mobile-inline-block` * `hide-mobile-inline` * `hide-deskop-block` * `hide-desktop-inline-block` * `hide-desktop-inline` I could add more for each `display` property, but I'm trying to find a better way of fixing this without adding these second classes. Another note: I use [box-sizing (as suggested by Paul Irish)](, which I think makes dealing with sizing elements a lot more sane. ## Attributions [Book]( designed by [Nherwin ArdoƱa]( from the Noun Project. [Profile]( designed by [Ryan Beck]( from the Noun Project. [Photos]( designed by [Ryan Beck]( from the Noun Project.