================== This is the latest version of my personal website. It is a static website built with [Jekyll]( See it at []( ##Layout & CSS## I use a [grid system devised by Adam Kaplan]( and with some pieces from [Jorden Lev]( It is set-up by scratch in my `main.css`. I decided on this so that I would not have to load a huge framework like Bootstrap since I would only be using the grid system out of it. As an introduction to this system: Wrap everything in a div element with the `container` class. ```html
``` To create rows add div elements with the `row` and `clearfix` classes. ```html
``` To create columns add div elements with the `column` class. Then add a class to describe the width of the column with respect to the container. The possible widths are: CSS class name | width percentage --------------- | ---------------- `full` | 100% `two-thirds` | 66.7% `half` | 50% `third` | 33.3% `fourth` | 25% `three-fourths` | 75% These are purely for convienence. A more precise width can be specified in the CSS if desired with the `width` attribute. ```html
``` Columns stack up right to left. To force a column out of order all the way to the right use the `flow-opposite` class on the column (but remain first on smaller screens). ```html
``` To hide an element on mobile phones add the class `hide-mobile`. To hide on desktop, use `hide-desktop` instead. ```html
``` Another note: I use [box-sizing (as suggested by Paul Irish)](, which I think makes dealing with sizing elements a lot more sane. ##Attributions## [Book]( designed by [Nherwin ArdoƱa]( from the Noun Project. [Profile]( designed by [Ryan Beck]( from the Noun Project. [Photos]( designed by [Ryan Beck]( from the Noun Project.