Tyler Hallada 91ff001c53 Initial commit. WIP shops endpoint
Pretty comfortable with the choice of crates now so it's time to start

Currently the API only returns errors, but throwing good errors is important.
2020-07-13 01:55:36 -04:00

869 B

Development Setup

  1. Install and run postgres.
  2. Create postgres user and database (and add uuid extension while you're there ): createuser shopkeeper createdb shopkeeper sudo -u postgres -i psql postgres=# ALTER DATABASE shopkeeper OWNER TO shopkeeper; \password shopkeeper postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
  3. Save password somewhere safe and then update the password in refinery.toml and add a .env file to the project directory with the contents: DATABASE_URL=postgresql://shopkeeper@@localhost/shopkeeper
  4. Run cargo run -- -m which will compile the app in debug mode and run the database migrations.
  5. Run ./ to run the dev server (by default it listens at


  • Make self-contained docker container that can run the app without any setup.