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# Development Setup
1. Install and run postgres.
2. Create postgres user and database (and add uuid extension while you're there
createuser shopkeeper
createdb shopkeeper
sudo -u postgres -i psql
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE shopkeeper OWNER TO shopkeeper;
\password shopkeeper
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";
3. Save password somewhere safe and then and add a `.env` file to the project
directory with the contents:
4. Create a new file at `src/db/refinery.toml` with the contents:
db_type = "Postgres"
db_host = "localhost"
db_port = "5432"
db_user = "shopkeeper"
db_pass = "<database-password-here>"
db_name = "shopkeeper"
4. Run `cargo run -- -m` which will compile the app in debug mode and run the
database migrations.
5. Run `./devserver.sh` to run the dev server (by default it listens at
# Todo
* Make self-contained docker container that can run the app without any setup.