Gold is loaded into merchant chest after merchandise is loaded now. Gold is not saved to the merchandise list, but if owner takes or stores gold the change is saved to the shop separately. Gold refreshes after any transaction.
Shelves are now saved in a special section in the InteriorRefList and must be loaded dynamically when the shop is loaded.
Merchandise for the shop is loaded once and saved in the private merchandise chest for the shop. Optimize updating merchandise to refresh the shelves from the response of the update instead of refetching the merchandise.
A single shelf can be loaded and paged indpedent from other shelves in the cell.
Code is now capable of loading merch onto multiple store shelves during load shop.
Still need to fix refresh, loading merch after creating merch and making transactions, the shelf buttons, as well as saving the state of the shelves to the server.
During CreateInteriorRefList, save shelf positions in a separate vector and ignore their buttons. In Load, recreate the shelves and their buttons from the shelf vec.
Also start storing FormIDs in a header file so I don't have to keep passing Keywords into all the functions from Papyrus.